E i g h t

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E i g h t
Aaron told me Thursday that he wasn't going to the fair because of the boys, I was upset a little but understood because he was with his friends. Today was Friday, all this week after school I have gone to Aaron's house, along with the rest of our friends from school, to hang out with the guys. To be honest it was awkward because whenever I would talk to Cody, it seemed like Aaron old get mad. I don't know why though he only thinks of me as a friend, even if I wanted to be more.

I decided to try and stop thinking about Aaron tonight and just focus on Cody. I was currently trying to figure out what I was going to wear. I finally decided on my black leggings with my cream cropped sweater, since it usually gets cool outside at night, I paired that my black converse. I walked into the bathroom and touched up my mascara and lightly curled the tips of my hair.

Cody said he was picking me up at 5 the other day and it was now 4:45 so I still had time. I took a seat on the couch and checked all my social media.

A few minutes later a text from Cody popped up on the screen.


From: Cody

Hey, look I can't go to the fair tonight I got sick. Sorry


From: Marcie

Ok, I'll just meet up with Cassey... Hope you feel better


From: Cody

Yeah, thanks

I texted Cassandra to make sure she was still going, she said she would pick me up in 10 minutes.


I heard a car horn honking from outside. I quickly jumped off the couch and ran outside locking the door behind me. As I made my way to the car I saw the boys playing basket ball shirtless, lets just say zayum! I quickly hopped in the car.

"Hey Marcie!" Cassey said smiling a huge smile.

"Hey, what are you smiling at?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"I saw you checking Aaron out," she said, smirking as she stared to pull out my driveway. I laughed a little, I felt the heat quickly rising to my cheeks and I looked out the window.

Once I gained control I realized Karley wasn't in the car, I thought she said she was coming.

"Hey why isn't Karley here?" I asked.

"I don't know, she just said that she had plans and couldn't make it," Cassey said shifting her gaze from me back to the road.

"Oh ok, just curious," I replied turning up the radio.


We bought our tickets and raced to the bumper cars.

Shortly after, Cassey got a call saying she had to go home immediately because she had to watch her baby brother while her mom went to work.

"Again, I'm really sorry! Are you sure you don't want me to bring you home?" She asked me.

"No I'm fine! I want to stay a little longer, I'll just get my mom to come get me," I replied. Honestly I was upset she was leaving. Everybody ditched me tonight, first Aaron, then Cody, now Cassey. I feel so loved! Note the sarcasm.

"Ok well text me when you get home so I can make sure you're alright."

"I will... Now go before your mom gets mad," she nodded her head and ran off to her car.

I walked back to the main part of the fair and went up to the drink booth.

"One water, please," I told the elderly lady.

"Ok, that will be 1.25" she replied. I handed her two dollars and turned around.

I dropped the water bottle in shock.

Cody was here.

But with Karley.

And they were making out.

I immediately went to walk out but realized I had to walk past them to exit. I quickly rushed past them, slightly bumping into them since it was crowded.

"Hey watch where your going!" Karley practically yelled at me. I looked over at Cody and his face went white.

"And watch where you make out with people at so you don't get caught in the middle of a lie," I snapped back. I quickly made my way through the large crowd and towards the exit.

I took my phone out and quickly dialed my moms number.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

No answer. Great! My dad was out on a business trip and we don't have a house phone. One option left. I quickly dial Aaron's number and wait for him to answer.

He almost immediately picks up, "Hello?"

"Thank god you picked up... I need you to come pick me up! Like now!" I quickly say.

"Woah, what happened? I thought you had a date with Cody?" He said as I hear him shushing the boys in the background.

"I'll explain later just hurry please!" I said.

A few minutes later he pulled up and rushed out of the car and towards me. I immediately pulled him in for a hug. He wrapped his arms tightly around my waist.

"What happened?" He asked still hugging me.

"Well Cody texted me earlier saying he was sick and couldn't make it so I came with Cassey, and then she had to leave to babysit her brother and then I went get me a drink and when I turned around I saw Karley and Cody making out and-" I said all in one breathe. He rubbed his hand lightly on my back.

"It's going to be ok, he always does this, look come back to my house and we can all hang out. Ok?" He asked. I nodded and we let go of each other. I immediately felt cold without his presence.

I hopped into the car and we drove off.

The rest of the night I hung out with the boys and it was really fun. It was around 11:30 when I decided to go home.

I walked inside and went into my bedroom, grabbed my pajamas and went take a shower.


Hey guys!! Thanks so much for 1.4 reads that's amazing like AIDHHSYGSGGEJUX! Lol anyway thanks for all the support and make  sure to comment! Thanks guys the next update will be up soon! Also should I do Aaron's POV for the next chapter?

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