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As Yellow's secret was dropped, a familiar, anxious Blue Zircon shakily walked through the entrance and spotted Blue Diamond's vigorous fury on her pale-blue face.
"U-um. Is something wrong? M-my Diamond?" the Zircon stammered in terror.
"I would like to report a crime," Blue spat harshly at the quivering Zircon.
"And who is the accused and what crime?" the horror-filled Zircon mumbled. Blue's eyes shot over at Yellow Diamond, piercing Yellow's glare.
"Yellow Diamond, for shattering another Diamond," Blue spitefully snapped, fixating her dead eyes onto a shocked Yellow Diamond. Yellow's hand locked into a clenched fist.
"Blue?!" Yellow gasped. "Oh Blue! You have got to let it go!" Yellow chuckled, as if Blue was joking.
"Not after what you said! Pink was the only Diamond who had compassion and a heart! Unlike you and White Diamond, Pink shared a love for Earth and its inhabitants! All you two ever cared about was gaining control over the ecosystem and destroying all sources of life there to create more of you!" Blue angrily explained herself. A hot, yellow tear streamed down Yellow's disgusted face, sharp like a blade.

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