Chapter Five - "Reincarnation"

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         My escort brings me to a large green door, it's painted with gold outlines and swirls. I look at the escort and raise an eyebrow at him, almost as if to ask just where exactly does the door lead. But he just shrugs and walks away without another word. Turning back, the doorknob creaks ever so slightly as I turn it to the right. Walking into the room, it's dark and as pitch black as a starless night. The door slams shut loudly behind me and the only source of light in the room glows from that of a crystal ball upon a small round table. But it was in that instant, that my heart had dropped ever so slightly. For this was just exactly, what I had been expecting.

        Walking forward, I take a seat right across from Mrs. Zaroni. "Nice to see you again, all dressed up and very well presentable if I might so add." She nods approvingly to my suit and tie. My adam's apple shifts slightly, I gulp because of her presence and I suddenly feel very uncomfortable. I wonder if she already knows about Serenity, I decide to keep my mouth shut just in case she doesn't. Because this woman  can make you feel more pain then you ever thought you could.  "Why am I here with you today Mrs. Zaroni?" Folding my hands upon the table I watch her cautiously as she shrugs.

         "I'm guessing that you don't want to waste a lot of time today then, huh?" I ignore her remark and just stare darkly into her eyes, she heaves out an over exaggerated sigh. "I'm here because Eli wants me to be, he wants me to see what your future plans are and to elaborate the truth for you in some ways. Although, I am also planning on telling you more then he wants me to let you know. I'm doing it because I believe that if I do this, then I can help you achieve what you need most." Suddenly I'm interested in her words, "Okay then, lets start." She nods her head slightly and then takes my hands into her palms. I instantly cringe, remembering how she had once showed me my mothers death this way.

       Closing my eyes, her voice begins to describe the images before me and we start off... subtle. She shows me the future, everyone is at war. There's destruction and lightning and all Hell has seem to of broken lose among the Gods. She zooms in on me, "In this war you have a certain role to play, but it is not one that intends you to use your powers. It's one that your brother intends to make, by using her." The image transfers to Serenity, I take an inwards gasp. "What does he want with her?" Looking at her, she seems lost. Almost as if she is searching for someone or looking for something. 

              "That, I cannot tell you. But you will learn, once the time has come to let you know. But for know, all you can know is that she is just a puzzle piece in his games." The image then flashes to a beautiful blond girl strapped to a post. However, the image disappears before I can even get the chance to ask of just whom she was. These images then flash to Serenity and I and we're... well, we're acting like lovers do. Kissing and interlaced in each others arms, tossing around in a bed. Immediately my heart races and I break the connection as I immediately let go of her hands. Everything fades back to Mrs. Zaroni's face and her curious caramel eyes. "Tell me... why do you like her so much?" I slam my hands down upon the table and stand up, "What games are you trying to play at!" Shouting at her, my palms shake uncontrollably. But unlike me, she keeps her calm cool.

       "I'm not playing any games here Mr. Nightray. I am only just showing you the truth. Now sit your ass down." I do as she says, hesitantly. "I am not showing you your deepest and darkest desires. But rather the moments that you two have created from your past lives and so I may ask of you... why is it, that you like her so much? Because I don't think that you have even yet realized, why it is that you do." My hands just won't stop shaking, "So these images, they're from the past? Look, I don't understand what your trying to tell me Ms. Zaroni. Because I've never met the girl before, not before around seven weeks ago." She looks at me inquisitively.

         "I'm telling you that the images of what you see here are from your past lives and not from this one Mr. Nightray. That this is why you don't know why you love her, but now you do. Because I am telling you why and the reason is because of the fact that you two are soul mates. Soul mates who have been reincarnated for each other but again and again relentlessly through all of our past lives!" Her voice escalates with each and every word. But it is all too much for me to bear, so I shake my head instead. "I don't believe you."

    "I didn't say that you had too." My fist clench, "You're a liar! There is no such thing as a a fucking "soul mate", it's all just stupid fiction that our mothers made up to put us asleep at night!" At this, she smiles but ever so slightly. "Then tell me Nikolai. What is it then, that makes you so afraid of her? Why don't you like the ways in which she makes you feel?" I shake my head, "I-I... I don't know." 

        "It's because you already love her and you don't even know why that is! But guess what, you're fucked because you've already imprinted on her and  there's no going back now." I put my face in my hands, I don't like where this is going. Not with my brother involved that is. "What's imprinting?" I ask and at this she sighs, obviously worried about my well-being and how the conversation is going. But she answers me, "It's an instant bond, created from the moment you look upon someone and it only happens to soul mates and well... ducks." She laughs, but I don't find her words to be very funny. "Sadly enough, it always happens to the males and never the females, so who's to say if she loves you back this lifetime?" Somehow this causes a hollow feeling to develop within my stomach, my face drops. "Can't stand the thought huh?" She states the words so casually, but my fingers clench handfuls of the hair upon my head. She stands up and circulates the table till she's beside me, "Tell me... what does my brother have to do with this?" I whisper, my eyes big and dark with such fear that fills up my entire being. But she just shakes her head and lowers a hand upon my shoulder. "I cannot tell you that. But I can tell you, is that he wants you both to fall in love and fast. But I think that you somehow already know that." 

           Taking my hands out of my hair, I stand up to face her. "Tell me, is there any way that I can stop what I feel for her? Please Ms. Zaroni... please! I feel like she'll be in grave danger if I don't." For the first time since the beginning of our meeting, she gives me a look of pity. "I'm sorry my dear boy, but the feelings will only grow... there is nothing that you or I or even anyone can do." With those last words, she disappears from my existence. I realize then, just how dark it is when I find myself going into this downfall, this downfall of absolute panic. I hate this... why is it happening? But I just couldn't shake this feeling, this feeling that I have to go find her. I must find Serenity and demand for her to tell me what it is that my brother plans to do. Or at the very least, I have to find out why she had even promised to do any of this at all to begin with. I waste no time, running out the door.  

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