Chapter Two - "A Fellow Soul"

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           I watched my brother walk away as she steps towards me and touches my face. It took but only a moment, a moment of warmth, where her light would take over me and transport me to somewhere new. I didn't understand her trickery, all that I could understand was the way that she makes me feel and to be quite honest, I still didn't know if I liked it.

        We're in a bathroom now, small, peculiar, white and beautiful... just like her. But her eye's divert themselves from mine, she turns around to manifest a towel and places it upon the counter top before me so that I may use it later. She then walks over to me one last time, turns on the shower and then pushes me under it, the water just washing all over me and soaking into my clothes. She gives me a sly grin as if she had found that what she had just done was rather funny.

      Usually at such spite, I would be angry. But when it came from her, it just didn't happen... it was actually rather cute. I don't know if it was because of that angelic look of hers or what, but she was really starting to get at me. No one and I mean no one has ever made me feel that way.

         "Maybe next time, you'll think twice before you hesitate to have me killed." She whispers under her breath and suddenly I take her up by the collar of her dress and pull her underneath the water. So that now we are close and personal, chest to chest and touch to touch. 

           "Trust me, if I had wanted you dead, then you wouldn't be alive right now."

                  "What do you want from me?" She sighs, "You clearly don't like me."

           "Don't like you? What makes you think that I don't like you?"

             "Well you haven't really been very... welcoming." She states sadly and I understand her immediately, she probably has no clue of what I'm thinking about most of the time either and after having being called an "it" instead of something respectful like a person or a name, I can understand this response completely. "I-I want your company Serenity, and possibly even your help. I mean, being locked up in a cell block for months at a time can truly make a person feel rather, lonely."

       "Ha, well surely you don't need company, not in the shower that is. I mean, I do believe that you can undress and bathe yourself Mr. Nightray." Her voice is light,like a feather falling to the ground.  

             There were so many things that I had wanted to ask this woman, I had wanted to ask her what the reason was, that had made her even want to take up this position? Why was it that she was the one and only person that had to look after me? And why is it that she is so willing to throw her life away for me? Yet, always ready to enjoy mocking me as well? As if I haven't been mocked enough already as it is. But most of all, what is it about her that intrigues me so? Why, why, why... All of these question's to ask of her and yet all I could seem to muster up, was this.

                                                     "C-call me... Call me Nikolai."

             This seems to catch her off guard at first, her eyes shift from a subtle intensity to a rather curious one as her eyelashes blink away the shower water, cautiously. But soon enough, she composes her face. I notice this instantly and realize that maybe this is the reason as to why she intrigues me so much. The fact that she is so hard to read. I mean, she's a mystery to me and no one has ever been that way to me before. Beacuse I was always the mysterious one, I was always the one with the unpredictable moves and motives and to have someone else confuse me was rather quite a peculiar thing for me to see. So my hands slide up her neck and they take ahold of her face. My forehead falls against hers and something within my chest begins to race. I hate this feeling, this vulnerability.

          "What's wrong Mr. Nightray?" She whispers and I hate her even more, for the simple tone of sincerity within her voice.

        "In you... I see a fellow soul," I exhaust as I open my eyes to see that her lilac ones are staring straight back at me. "I see someone that I know... and I see someone that is  a part of me. Tell me Serenity, have we met before?"  Hesitantly she whispers, "No... I do not believe that we have." and I slowly grow tense at her words. She takes my hands from their hold upon her face and removes them. Slowly and gently, she backs away from me.

    "But I do feel the same. For I see a fellow soul in you too M-... Nikolai." To hear my name roll off of her lips like that, oh how sweet the sound. With that she drops my hands and disappears, into a flash of golden, yellow light.

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