Sweet honey : 1

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"Hey mom I'm going over Jace house is that okay?" I asked my mom while she was on the phone.

"I don't care lee,"She said going back to look at her phone.

She's always on that phone never paying attention to me. I grabbed my keys and phone then looked in the mirror by the door to make sure I look okay before I go over Jace house.

Since my mom made me go over there to meet them Jace and I have been texting and hanging out a lot and I have to tell you I kinda have a crush on her but I will never tell her because I like our friendship...

I walked across the street then up the steps to knock on the door and I waited for someone to open the door.

"Hey Leone Jacey room is just upstairs and the second door on the right." Jace mom said and I followed the directions and ended up at a door that had jace in white and red letters. I knocked and she came to the door in nothing but a sports bra and boxers.

My Lord Jesus save me...

My eyes went straight to her stomach to see she had abs for days. Oh my Jesus she was so fineeeeee.

"Are you done checking me out yet?" She asked making me look up at her face to see her smirking down at me. 

"oh shutup I wasn't looking at you so move so I can come in," I said while blushing  then walking past her to sit on her bed.

"I'm going to shower real quick the remote is right there on my desk you can watch anything even  Porn,"She said laughing a little grabbing her clothes and leaving me in her room.

like 20 mins later she came back in dressed and boy when I say I felt my lower lips start to get wet I mean like that shit was dripping.

"What do you want to do today?"She asked.

I just want to spend time with you

"Um i don't know," I said playing with my fingers

"Aye don't be on that shy shit Leone. Speak ya mind," She said sitting next to me on the bed taking one of my hands in hers.

Oh my her hands were so soft and I didn't want to let go but I did anyway. I pulled away so fast her just touching me had my heart beating super fast.

I didn't know what to do so I just started to laugh making her look at me weird then she started to laugh too. 

"aye do you want to go somewhere with me today?" she asked me making me stop laughing then start playing with my fingers.

"U-um sure," I stuttered but in my head I was cursing the fuck out of myself. I felt my face grow warm.

"Well let's go then," She said standing up waiting  for me to get up. We walked out her room and said goodbye to her mom then I sent my mom a text saying I'm going out with Jace.

We was inside the car were she had the music up loud and the windows down and I could tell my hair was all over the place from the wind. I felt happy to be going somewhere being locked up in the house is no fun.

She pulled up at a park and she told me to stay in the car then She walked to this group of girls and passed them something in a bag.. I pretended to be in phone so She wouldn't know I was watching. She kept looking back to car then back to the group. One of the girls was mugging me and the others either were smirking or smiling at me.

She came back to the car then raised the windows all the way up and cut the air all the way up to  the point my nipples were so hard. I put my arms in my shirt and my hands over my boobs to give them warmth.

"Aye ma are you cold?"Jace asked while I nodded.

"Should've said something,"She said staring at me then the road. She drove with one hand while the other was tapping on her thigh,She looked gorgeous with her blowing in wind.

She reached over grabbing my hand again making me turn red again. She wasn't even looking at me when she did it. I stopped myself from freaking out and relaxed  watching the trees go past. 

"oh my gosh, I just seen a horse," I said smiling wide I always wanted to see one up close. We even have the Kentucky derby here so I could have had the chance to see them up close but that is not happening anytime soon.

We was deep in the forest and it was beautiful. We was just driving around the forest until we got  back to the main road...

She was still holding my hand then she let go out of nowhere.

"Look reach in there and grab that gun real quick and don't look back okay," She said and I did exactly what she said then she took  the safety thing off then told me to stir the car while she let the window down and it was black car following us and they had a man at the top with a gun.

Oh shit I better not die today!

"WHAT TF IS GOING ON JACE," I screamed then she shot the man on top then the wheels of the black car then pulled her body back in the car then placed the gun in between my thighs and began to drive the car again.

"What the fuck is going on jace," I said looking at the gun between my thigh then she looked at me smirking.

"You will find out soon when we get there calm down," She said grabbing my hand again making butterflies erupt in my stomach.


*what do you think Jace does?

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