Chapter Twenty-three: Family...

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Aang, Katara and Sokka were flying north on Appa's back, a few yards above the clouds when Appa began groaning, alerting Aang to something being nearby...

"What the-" Aang was cut off.

Bursting up through the clouds came Sonja, laughing as wings of ice and snow carried her over Appa, gliding on the wind, "Woo!" she laughed and everyone was shocked.

Aang grinned, "Sonja, hi!" he greeted as he climbed back, up and into the saddle as she landed and her wings burst into snow, blowing away as Appa flew.

Sonja wore her green coat and armor, her sword and shield on her back. She took down her hood and a scarf she had wrapped to cover her face, "I bring a month's supply of salted chicken-pork," Sonja took off her satchel , "And as I know Air Nomads do not have a pallet for meat, I brought five pounds of dried cranberries, pomegranate seeds, raisins and some kind of yogurt chips that are just like baked custard crisps!" Sonja grinned as she handed the trail mix over to him.

Katara cleared her throat, "Is-...Is your friend okay...?" she asked cautiously and Sonja nodded.

"I would not have left him if he wasn't," Sonja was grateful for her concern, "In return, Zuko gave me supplies...and a head start," she smiled warmly.

Katara was astonished and Sokka didn't believe her, "Your Fire Nation boyfriend gave you a head start...? That's seems very likely, considering he was prepared to fight you in our village," Sokka scoffed, crossing his arms as Sonja was rummaging through her bag.

"Well, I saved his life twice. Once from drowning, another time from a man named Commander Zhao who wanted to take a cheap shot after losing to mo chroí in an Agni Kai," Sonja explained to him, "And there's also the fact that I've known him since I was twelve. I lived in the royal palace of the Fire Nation for almost two years at his side. Went to school. Learned your writing and a bit of your history," Sonja shrugged, pulling a couple of rectangular stones from her bag, "Also, do you need blade stones? I have this extra set I can spare and you have a couple of decent weapons that you'll need to maintain," she offered them and Sokka didn't understand her at all.

"If you lived in the Fire Nation, how are you so nice...?" Sokka asked as he took the stones.

Sonja didn't understand, "I'm not exactly pure of heart, Sokka," she informed him, "But I'm not evil either. Just as not every fire-born is bad," she unstrapped her shield and sword from her back, "In fact, my father and a few of my brothers are fire-born," she said in addition and Sokka huffed.

"Yeah, but Zuko-" Sonja glared at him, "He-!" Sokka shut right up...


They continued north as a group and Sonja stayed awake with Aang while he flew the bison, "I'm sorry, Sonja," Aang said out of the blue...

She raised a brow at him, "What do you have to be sorry for, lad?" Sonja asked, sitting next to him on Appa's head, mending a hole in Sokka's coat.

Aang frowned and sighed, "When I was in the Avatar State, I hurt your friend...badly," he hated himself for it, "I didn't know what I was doing. I-" he was silenced as Sonja rolled her eyes and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, hugging him comfortingly.

"Aang, he's alright and I got to spend a couple of days with him after not being able to see him for three years," she squeezed him a bit tighter before letting him go and holding his shoulders, "You have no idea how grateful I was to be able to spend time with him. I've been stuck thinking of that stubborn boy every day since I left the Fire Nation..." she let his shoulders go, looking out over the ocean below them.

Aang grew curious then, "Why didn't you just run away with him...?" he asked.

Sonja huffed, looking to the boy, "Zuko's father, the Fire Lord, arranged our betrothal to strike an according alliance between our two peoples. He wants our armies to help make the rest of the East bend the knee to the Fire Nation or die," she stated bluntly, "Naturally, I could not have this. Thus, I returned home at the age of thirteen and parlayed with Lords, Dukes, Arls...for a year, I toiled in combat to earn loyalty...only to find that they were agreeing to simply stay out of my way," Sonja raised a hand to hold the necklace that hung over her heart, "I won every battle...and searched for two years, pleading for allies to join me, but none believed that my cause was worth fighting for," she bowed her head, her eyes closing.

Aang blinked at her in fascination, "What cause...?" he truly wanted to know.

Sonja smiled wryly at this, "To guide the East into an era of understanding and love...and to do that, I will follow and protect the one who might share the same dream. One who is akin to me through the blood of rebirth," she explained, "One of my ancestors lives on in you, Aang. Avatar Olgier of An Croí Talamh," she informed him with pride and Aang lit up with a surprised smile, "Thus, every Avatar after him has been welcomed as family, and now, I should like to walk with you as if you are akin to me as well, my friend," she stated her intent and Aang blinked at this.

" want me to be a part of your family...?" he asked and she shook her head.

"Laddy, I wouldn't ask you to paint your face and pick up a flail...but my grandmother told me stories of your people and I want-" Sonja was cut off as Appa groaned and they passed over a sea shore, nearing the temple. Sonja huffed and just smiled at Aang, "You have a family if you want it. I'm sure my mother would love having another boy in the castle to dote over, anyway," she smiled warmly, climbing back into the saddle to grab a few things before they would land...

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