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Lucy and Gru walked downstairs, hand in hand. They had both slept in, and were still waking up, but figured that the girls would probably want some breakfast.

They both made their way into the kitchen. Lucy wordlessly pulled the bread out of the pantry, and put it in the toaster. Gru started to scramble some eggs.

They move around each other, putting food on each of the plates for their daughters, and setting them on the table. Gru starts to make them both some tea as Lucy goes to get the girls.

As she walked down the hallway, she rubbed her eyes, trying to be more awake when she saw her girls for the first time this morning. She opened their door, and was awakened very quickly by the squeal that came from Agnes.

"MOM!" She squealed, running to Lucy. "Play with us!"

"Actually," she said, hugging her youngest daughter. "I came in here to tell you all that breakfast is ready. Why don't we all pay after we're done eating?"

"Ok!" All of the girls shouted in unison.

Lucy looked at their room. The girls had draped blankets all over everything.

"What were you girls playing?" She asked, amused.

"We were going camping!" Agnes exclaimed.

She watched as her youngest daughter ran down the hall after her older sisters.

"Aw!" She stood there, and smiled, looking at the campground that they had created. Then, she followed Agnes into the kitchen.

Gru sat at the breakfast bar, drinking his tea. There was a steamy cup sitting next to him, which she gladly accepted. She sat down next to him, and watched her daughters.

"When we go back, we should make s'more's!" Edith exclaimed.

"Totally!" Margo replied. She paused, before asking. "Hey, dad. Can we go camping for real? We've never been."

Gru looked stunned. He set down his tea.

"Well," he hesitated. "I suppose we can. I'll go pick up some supplies, and we can go this weekend!"

"Yay!!" All the girls exclaimed. They quickly finished their breakfast, and ran back to their room.

Lucy turned to her husband.

"So, camping?" She said.

"Yeah." He replied. "They just wanted to so badly, and I figured that it's a normal thing for kids to do."

She nodded.

"You know," she added. "I've never actually been camping before. We never got to go in the orphanage, and my parents died before I was old enough."

"I've never been either." Gru said. "It wasn't exactly Mum's style."

They sat in silence, but both of them were thinking the same thing.

Is this a good idea?

A few days later, they had the car packed, and ready to go. Gru had bought all of the necessary supplies, and Lucy had found a good campground. The girls were running around, squealing with excitement.

They arrived in a little less than an hour. The girls immediately began to zoom around, exploring the place. Gru and Lucy began to unload the car.

"Here," he said. "You set up the food, and the dishes. I'll pitch the tent."

She nodded, and grabbed the boxes that Gru had pointed out to her. She set to work, humming as she went. It was actually really beautiful out here. They were surrounded by tall trees on the edges of the clearing in which they set up their camp. She could see birds flying, and squirrels running on the ground. She set the food on the picnic table that was assigned to their campsite, keeping most of it in the box, so that, hopefully, the animals wouldn't get to it. Then, she carefully organized the dishes, one set for each family member. She had picked them out herself. She specifically made sure to color-code them for each person, so that they wouldn't get mixed up. Agnes had yellow, Edith had pink, Margo had green, Gru had black, and the teal ones were for herself. She found the pump, and pumped some water (just because she could). Then, she set up the fire pit, and stacked firewood next to it, but waited for Gru to start the fire. (Gru was a lot more careful, and far less clumsy than she). She carefully set out each person's camping chair around the fire. (Color-coded in the same way). Then, she stepped back to admire her handiwork. She felt pretty good about it. She turned around to ask Gru's opinion, and had to try very hard not to laugh.

He was tangled up in the tent, trying to match tent poles and stakes, tripping over the fabric. The harder he tried, the redder his face got. She grabbed her phone and took a picture. She knew that Gru wouldn't like it, but she couldn't help it. She found him to be so adorable!

She heard a little giggle escape her lips, despite her efforts not to laugh, and he looked up at her.

"This is a lot harder than it looked like online." He said, gruffly. At that, she laughed harder.

"Let me help you." She said, giving him a kiss.

He was right. The tent was way harder to set up than it looked, but, finally, after an hour and a half, they got it set up. As soon as they were finished, the girls rushed in and set down sleeping bags for the whole family. Then, they all grabbed hot dogs, and waited for Gru to start the fire.

Lucy ended up being just as bad a cooking over an open fire as she was in the kitchen. She burnt three hot dogs, before Gru gave her his. After they had all finished dinner, Gru broke out the s'more's.

No one in the family had ever had a s'more before, but they all knew how they worked, and were eager to try them. Edith got impatient with her's, and just burned it straight away, to get it over with. Gru started by helping Lucy this time, after watching her struggle with the hot dogs. He tried to teach her how to toast it correctly, but she had a hard time focusing on what he was saying, instead of his strong arms wrapped around her.

Much later in the night, they finally climbed into the tent, and slid into sleeping bags. Almost immediately, the girls were freaked out by strange noises, and just climbed into their parents' sleeping bags.

The girls fell asleep almost immediately, but Gru and Lucy took a little longer. Gru tried to put his arm around Lucy, but found that he couldn't, with both Margo and Edith partially on top of him. When he moved his arm, he bumped Agnes, waking her.

"Shh, sweetie." He whispered. "I didn't mean to wake you. Go back to sleep."

"I love camping." She sweetly mumbled, before falling back asleep.

Yay, guys! This is officially my longest one-shot! 1136 words!

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