Stay With Me

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Lucy hummed as she walked down the hallways of the Anti-Villain League Headquarters. She carried a box of files from the communications center to her office. Normally, she hated paperwork, but this time she didn't care. (Even though she had been assigned a lot of it, this time). She could work on it with Gru, and that was all that mattered.

It had been two weeks since he had rescued her from El Macho, and become her official partner. She had loved her job before, but now, she never wanted to leave! Working with Gru was the best thing that had ever happened to her. There was only one thing that she wished would change.

Gru had kinda sorta asked her out while he was rescuing her from El Macho. Now, she understood that, at the time, it looked as though they both were going to die, but he had still asked. Since then, he hadn't brought it up at all, but she wished that he would. She had almost brought it up, herself, but chose not to, every time. She just didn't want to ruin what they had right now. Yet, she wanted to be more than just his work partner. She wanted to be his girlfriend. Maybe even, someday, wife. Woah, she was getting ahead of herself. Girlfriend was a good place to start.

She walked into her office that she and Gru shared, and set the box down on her desk. She looked around, disappointed not to find him there. She poked her head out, but didn't see him in the hallway. She decided to look for him, because heaven forbid she did that whole box of paperwork on her own!

She walked almost the entire place, before finally seeing him. He was in Silas's office. He appeared to be towards the end of a deep discussion with the director himself. She sidled up to the door, and listened.

"-Well, we'll be sorry to lose you, Mr. Gru." She heard Silas say.

Wait, what?

"But, we understand that life takes us in many directions." Silas continued.

"Thank you for understanding, sir." Gru replied. She heard him get up to leave the room.

What? Gru was leaving? She felt as though her world was suddenly crashing down around her. What was happening? She barely had any time to think about any of this, before Gru came out and found her there.

"Oh, hello Lucy." He said.

"Hello, Gru." She said, distracted.

"Is everything alright?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure..." She trailed off.

"Oh, well I was just heading back to the office." He said, turning to leave.

"Me too." She said, snapping back to attention. "I have paperwork."

They walked in silence, until she finally spoke.

"What did Silas want?" She asked, hesitantly.

"He didn't want anything. I actually requested to meet with him." Gru said.

"Oh. I see." She paused, looking around. "Do you mind me asking about what?"

They had come upon their office. They both entered. Gru sat down at his desk, while Lucy began going through the paperwork that was still on her desk.

"Dr. Nefario has found another offer of employment for myself and the minions." He replied. "And, I've decided to take it."

She dropped the papers that she had been holding, and turned to look at him.

"You-you're leaving?" She stammered.

He nodded.

She could feel her heart actually breaking. She hadn't even thought that that was a real thing, but she could tell that it was, now.

"Oh." She replied. She felt like she had said that word a lot in the past couple of minutes.

"It's a great oppurtunity for me, and for the minions. They're really excited." He continued.

She nodded her head, but she didn't actually agree with him. She felt her head spinning. This couldn't be. It couldn't.

"Those are pretty good reasons to go." She replied.

"Yeah." He said.

They both stood there, awkwardly. Silence engulfed the room.

Finally, she said what she had been barely holding in the whole time.

"Please, don't go." She said, suddenly. "I know that this seems like a good option, but,"

She paused, and they stared at each other.

"We need you here. I-I need you here." She continued. "I don't think that I could bear it if you left."

He said nothing, but kept looking at her.

"When you saved me, you asked if I would go on a date with you. I said yes, and my answer is still yes. I like you. I like you a lot, and I want to be with you. Stay with me, please." She said this all very quickly.


"What?" She said, her head jerking up to look at him.

"Alright. I'll stay." He repeated. "The only reason I was considerig the option was because I thought that you didn't feel the same way that I did. Now that I know that you do, I have no reason to leave."

She was fighting to hold back tears. She was so happy.

"Lucy, will you go on a date with me?" He asked. "For real, this time."

She nodded, not trusting herself to speak.

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