The First

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"What the hell is this asshole doing?" Emma's emerald eyes were narrowed in disbelief as she eyed the red SUV in front of her, speeding down the street despite the traffic that surrounded it.

"Don't know, but there's no way in hell I'm letting them get away with it." Graham's voice rumbled, a pleased smirk on his face as slipped back into the squad car and flipped on the sirens, quickly catching chase with the perpetrator.

The blonde braced herself as she watched, shouting at her partner to watch a particular vehicle that was turning into their lane, but her words were futile as he dodged the little white sports car.

"Look at how fast they're going!"

Emma chuckled, her eyes falling to her friend's face and the excitement that he tried to keep at bay, but she knew there was too much to be contained because she felt the same bubbling within her. It was rare that they broke from their boring agenda to have something this exciting happen, though she could honestly say this wasn't her first car chase, but, Gods, it always pumped her full of adrenaline.

"Why are they so stupid?" The question fell from her lips as she set her walkie back down after phoning the chase in, knowing full well that they would need the backup. The person was running for something, and not just that busted tail light they had initially pulled them over for.

"I don't know. I can't wait to find out what they're hiding." Graham smirked.

"Like that one dude with that big ass bag of weed in his glove box?"

"Oh, yeah!" He was quiet for a moment as he reminisced. "That was impressive."

"Can't say the same for his driving, though. He got, what, a block away before hitting a light pole?" That was the first chase she was in and it had only happened about a month after she was on the road with Graham. It was terrifying and she would be lying if she said she didn't wet herself a little, but it was exhilarating as hell and the outcome was worth every drop. The poor man couldn't tell his elbow from his asshole when they pulled him out that he was so inebriated.

Graham's fading laughter brushed the remaining memories away and brought her to the current situation. She saw the vehicle turn and before she could say anything, Graham was right on it, turning with them onto a quieter road. At least there was less of a chance of wiping out a few civilians' cars.

"Man, they are not giving up." The blonde shifted forward in her seat to scope the road ahead for any chance of closing this hunt down, but the streets were clear and their friend didn't have any intention of giving up.

"I know. And, telling by the way they're not crashing, they aren't under the influence of anything."

"Unless they're really good at driving while under the influence." Emma shrugged. "Better weigh all our options."

"They better be smuggling some good shit with the way they're going." The male officer grunted as he took a tight turn onto the next street, right back into the heavy traffic once again. "Gods, I am going to skin this bastard alive."

"Calm down. I've called for backup. They won't get far once they're surrounded." The blonde pressed her lips together, hoping someone was nearby to help.

"And they keep turning!" Graham nearly laughed as he followed that obnoxiously red SUV onto another street, though as soon as Emma got a view of it, and how the vehicle had stopped, she found that it wasn't a street after all.

"How the hell could he turn into an alley?" She snorted, but, she wasn't exactly complaining. It was becoming tense on the street with the traffic and the collisions that could have been.

The Love That Never Dies: A Sequel to Teacher's PetWhere stories live. Discover now