UnDressed in white

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Chapter 1

Suzanna ran through the mud, spattering it all over her clothes she had swapped from one of the handmaids. Her long dark brown locks lay undone was matted to the sides of her face as she ran through the wilderness. A large rock grazed the side of her leg but she pushed forward as adrenaline pumped through her veins. She ignored the ache that she felt in her lungs. Her lungs burned from the lack of oxygen.

She was forced to run away. They had wanted her to marry a complete stranger and she just couldn't do it. She always always always did what she was supposed to. She was the perfect daughter, the perfect sister, the perfect student but she had always wanted to break free and do what she wanted to do for a change. To be her own person and make her own decisions, especially about the person she was going to marry. She wanted to fall in love and experience new things with someone she loved and travel.

She couldn't handle the fact that she was just a business deal.
So she did the only thing a girl could do in a situation like this. She packed a small bag with all the money and jewels she could gather and she ran away from home. She been on the run for a couple of months. Six months to be exact.

She knew her father would be looking for her relentlessly. Not because he loved and cared about her. But for power and for wealth and all the luxuries this business deal would bring. He would send the guards to search high and low for her but she didn't think they would be able to find her after so long. She was sure they had given up hope and had given up on her long ago.

But today, some of the guards had tracked her down and were following her and had somehow managed to locate her on her way to this isolated little town in the middle of nowhere. She had to be constantly on the move. She couldn't be at the same place for too long in case someone recognised her or started to ask questions that she couldn't answer or come up with an explanation that wasn't suspicious or unbelievable.

She had left the nice family she had been working for with longing. They had been good to her the two months she had been staying with them and she had grown fond of them. She had been staying with a young mother that had been recently widowed and her mischievous twin boys. She almost felt like part of a real, loving family. Not the fake one she had been forced to keep up with for appearances.

She was forced to pack up her things once again and had left without saying goodbye. She didn't want them to be in any danger. For them to suffer the consequences of her actions. She was sure they would understand. The mother, Joanna, had been very perceptive in general and Suzanna was sure she had guessed that she was on the run and why. She never asked any questions but Suzanna was sure she had many.

She had been on foot for about fifty minutes and had left while Joanna was at the market. She was unfamiliar with this area as she was not from this town called Eastridge as the sign indicated to her and she had travelled a long distance to get here.

This area was completely empty. There was not a soul in sight. It was in the middle of nowhere but she expected to see someone around somewhere.

The only people around were the ones chasing her. She could be lying in a ditch right know and no one would even know, or care. She dived in between the dense bushes to the left of her and waited until the footsteps chasing her were long gone and only silence remained.

She had convinced a farmer passing by to take her with him in the back of his carriage in exchange for one of her late mother's jewels. She still had quite a few jewels left in her knapsack, but it was still much too valuable to pay for a ride with. It was valuable more in the sentimental kind that material kind.

She had been sitting in the small carriage since dawn and her body ached with lack of use. It was now late at night, if she had to guess she would say nine at night.
In her old life, she wouldn't have been awake at this hour let alone venture out all alone during this time on the night time. She wasn't allowed to do ver much besides sit and look pretty. She had spent many nights with a torch under her blanket reading various adventure books in secrecy. These were not the type of books that were suited to a young lady.

The trip was long and she was beginning to wonder if the contents the farmer was transporting was a big pile of smelly poop. She tried to hold her breathe and attempted to hold back the vomit that wanted to escape her lips.

Suddenly she saw something hidden in the dense forest lane. The concealed path in between vines and the bushes. The wrought iron doors looked too expensive to be situated in a place like this. She raced to the door immediately seeking a safe place to hide. She just moved towards it without giving a second thought as to what was behind that door.

She pushed and pushed at the handle of the door but it wouldn't budge.
Dammit! It was locked. She heard the loud footsteps of the men that were chasing her.
"I heard her go this way", she heard someone shout.
Panic surged through her. She thought she had lost them a while back but they had managed to catch up to her.

Suzanna quickly pulled a hairpun from her hair and swivelled it around until she heard a click. Thank you to the dusty old books.

Without any more thought, she pushed the door open and ran into the unknown cottage. She quickly glanced backwards to check whether she secured the leaves and thick vines back into place to conceal the cottage once more.


She lifted her hand up to massage the small yet sore bump that was now forming on her head. What did she run into?

She looked up and jumped back in shock. Not in shock in response to the person standing before her. Not in shock to the fact that the man had a look of pure outrage on his face.
Who wouldn't ?
She had broken into his house.

She was in shock because the man's towel had somehow escaped from his very taut, very muscular body and landed onto the floor....

QOTD: where's everyone from?
Comment the names of the countries in the comments section .




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