chapter sixteen

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i cursed at myself as i kept on getting distracted by zerek and ethen. any time a guy attempted to flirt with me, they'd be death glaring them and then state that one of them is my boyfriend. 

"guys, you're going to get me fired. i need the guys to flirt with me so i get an extra tip. what i don't need is the pair of you scaring them off!" i scolded as a guy walked up beside them and ordered a drink as he checked me out and i smiled. 

once i served him his drink he gave me an extra ten dollar tip as he bit his bottom lip aiming to be seductive. i smiled as i took his money and walked off to serve more.

"break time rose" andrea stated half an hour later and straight away i sat down on the seat next to ethen."why dont bartenders get seats?" i complained.

"uh oh, 11 o'clock closing in fast. i've got to go, i'll be back when he gives up" i stated as i quickly jumped off my chair and sped off into the crowd then into the back room in which was being used as a cellar.

 i sighed as i leant against the brick wall and jumped when i heard a bottle of wine smash on the ground. "hello?" i called out as i walked around the room and stopped at the smashed bottle of white sav.

there was no reply so i went to go into the storage room to grab a mop but before i could even take a step, a hand had wrapped around the back of my neck and violently threw me down to the ground. 

quickly i spun around the see the man in the hood that i had seen earlier on in sebastions room. quickly i jumped up onto my feet and began backing away from the man before he quickly came towards me, grabbed my throat, kept walking then slammed me against the wall. as i tried to kick and push him away, i realised the fire alarm was beside me. quickly i smashed my fist against the glass, setting off the ear peircing alarm surprising my attacker. "get off of me!" i screamed desperatly as i tried shoving him away but he wasnt budging.

he smirked at me before leaning in closer and licking the main vein in my neck giving my body goosebumps as i continued to kick and shove.

"word of advice, try not to move" he muttered evily as he moved his mouth close to my neck and i could feel something brush against my skin in what seemed to feel similar to what  fangs would.

"you creep!" i spat as i smashed my knee into his jeweled bitz, making him drop to the ground. i wasnt wasting any time, i ran straight for the door and swung it open to see that everyone had evacuated the building.

"you witch!" the man snapped as he grabbed the back of my shirt and flung me around to face him. "leave me alone!" i snapped back as i grabbed a half empty beer bottle, smashed the end of it and pointed it at him only to see him smirk.

before i could even blink, he had vansihed. an arm wrapped around my weist as fingers entwined themselves in my hair and yanked it towards the ground, making me arch my back. my neck was now expossed and the possition i was in was painfull. "zerek!" i cried as he growled and two sharp points began pushing against my flesh on my neck.

"no!" zerek snapped as he appeared out of no where and the man whom was holding me had released his grip from my hair, only to grab a knife out of his pocket and hold it against my throat. i looked at both ethen and zerek standing their, panting heavily, as they looked angered and worried.

"move and the girl gets it!" the man behind me snapped as he tightened his grip around my weist, pushing the kniife slightly into my flesh at the same time.

"" i demanded as i elbowed him in the chest, heeled him where the sun don't shine and grabbed where he was holding the knife and yanked it away from me. i went to make my escape but he had quickly pinned me against the wall in the matter of seconds. his eyes began turning into jet black clouds, swirling with fury as the white faded away. his lips grew a deeper shade of red and his veins beneath his eyes became more realiseable...

what was he?.. he sure as hell wasn't human!.

ethen yanked the guy off of me as zerek stood infront of me protectively, with one hand on my arm to make sure i was there. at that momment the man realised it was three against one and vanished as he usually does.

"you ok?" zerek asked instantly as i sighed with relief and wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. at first, his muscles were tensed as i caught him at surprise but within a few seconds he relaxed and wrapped his arms around my weist before i came down from my tippy toes, walked over to ethen and thanked him as i hugged him aswell.

i wanted to ask them what that was, but something told me that they wouldn't tell. 

"im fine... just a bit shaky" i admited forcing a smile as the image of that man when his eyes turned black were still clearly painted in my mind. 

"you guys ready to go?" i asked in which wasnt that much of a question as i began walking towards the back door with them following behind me.

when i arrived back at the house, i put sebastion into bed as he was exhausted after being at that plaground place, and headed outside onto the dock with a full bottle of rum in my hand and a glass in the other.

the nights breeze was cool and refreshing. the full moon lit up the area making everything clearer to see. the peice and quiet helped to clear my mind.

as i gulped down the last of the rum in my glass, the mans black eyes flashed threw my mind again. what was he?, what could he be?...

he was fast, he could dissapear within seconds. actually, now that i think of it so can that man whom i met on the road and zerek and ethen always seem to suddenly appear. but his eyes, that deffinately wasn't normal...

"wheres my invitation?" zerek asked from behind me suddenly making me choke on my drink slightly. "don't know" i replied sarcastically as he chuckled at my responce and sat beside me.

"i've got one glass, are you sure you want to risk getting my girl cuties?" i asked with a raised eyebrow and a smirk as i handed over the glass to him. "its risky but i'll take my chances" he replied with a wink as he drank it all in one.

"now, mr zerek blackwell, i dont know much about you. tell me something i never would have guessed about you"  i stated as i took back the glass, poured some more rum and gulped it down. "well, im a real big hit with all the ladies" he stated with a smirk as i rolled my eyes. "so you think." i murmered and he playfully elbowed me in disagreement.

"if your such a big hit, then why havent i fallen for you?" i asked sarcastically as i turned my body to face him. "haven't you?" he asked with a smirk and a raised eyebrow as he took back the glass and finished of the rum before refilling it up. 

 "nope" i stated firmly with a chuckle as he moved closer to me. "i bet you have" he flirted as i rolled my eyes. "no, i really haven't. im sorry i havent fallen for your cheesy lines and flirtatious moves. but, im a girl of class. im not an easy pick up girl" i stated as i leant back and he smirked at me before he pushed me backwards and into the water i went. 

"zerek!" i screeched as i resurfaced and he sat there laughing at me as i was sure i looked like a drowned rat.

"i slipped" he replied sarcastically as i splashed him with the water before i swam to the dock and he helped me back up. 

"your evil" i commented as i death glared him. "then what are you?" ethen jocked as he walked towards us. "hey, you suppose to be the nice one" i winged as he sat beside me and took off his jacket before sitting it on my shoulders. "am i?" he replied and i rolled my eyes at him as i passed him the glass after i took a sip. 

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