a scorpio's perspective on cancer

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cancers are major puppy people. they probably own a few puppies at home or they want to at least. they also have a talent for writing. maybe it's in their intuitive nature of being a water sign, but whatever it is, they're good at it. they like writing stories or poetry, little blurbs about their idols. in class, i always turn around to see them writing a story blurb in their notebook, or on their phones, probably looking at pictures or videos of their idols. they also probably have thousands of photos and images of their favorites saved in their phones, and they won't hesitate to show everyone the pictures. some cancers i know are also somewhat involved in school, being an ASB officer or a club officer. they're not much for sports, but they probably would know the rules or how the game is played, but not how to play. they also like to keep close to their friends and it's difficult for them to make close friends without being betrayed. they probably prefer reading books over watching the movie. their stereotype is that they're crybabies but i don't think i've ever seen one cry. that doesn't mean they don't, but none have ever cried in front of me. they prefer crying by themselves, or in the comfort of a buddy. but mostly themselves. it's also quite easy for us to get along, even to the extent people have gotten jealous over it and i had a petty fight with them. cancers also love affection and love, but they have no idea what to do when it's being thrown at them and it's quite awkward that it's funny. i've never started an argument with cancer, but i always end them.

credit // realastrology

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