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libra needs an aries in their life to see the world from the opposite side of the mirror, to create divine unity.

libra needs a taurus in their life to indulge with, to cook with lots of sugar, love, and spice and eat together, to relish in the fine and beautiful things.

libra needs a gemini in their life to be a social butterfly with so they don't have to experience awkward silences and have someone to break the ice at gatherings so they can flow right into the conversation.

libra needs a cancer in their life to have moving, deep, and meaningful conversations, to spend hours reminiscing and finding similarities in each other's stories.

libra needs a leo in their life to flirt and tease with, to feel the love around, to have more fun getting dressed up and made up than actually going out.

libra needs a virgo in their life to test their ideals against logic to which they do the same, so they can hand their problems to someone else for a moment.

libra needs a scorpio in their life to provide that feeling of connecting with someone more profound, to catch a glimpse of unifying sensations they can one day experience.

libra needs a sagittarius in their life to be immoderate, excessive, flirtatious, and playful with.

libra needs a capricorn in their life so that they have somebody to call upon and seek advice from for a change.

libra needs an aquarius in their life to bring new friends into the group and expand their network, to introduce them to fresh, fascinating, and insightful people.

libra needs a pisces in their life to sleep side by side and nap with, to spend the night in being lazy and luxurious and swapping fantasies and dreams/

credits: astrolocherry // realastrology

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