Chapter 1: The Start

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  • Dedicated to Raelynn Bichitty

Hello everyone  

This would be considered my first story i ever wrote  

But bare with me i'm practicing my writing skills so there will be  lots of mistakes.

I have my faults in writing im not perfect.  


Chapter 1: The Start                                        

                  It was somewhat appalling; the determination in his eyes when he said those words, "I'm leaving...somewhere far from here" . His voice was cold and harsh which frighten me. i didn't want him to leave me and i know im just being selfish considering that he and i were just friends. But he was someone i liked ever since that day; the way he his eyes lit up when the shooting star passed by was gorgeous. Why was he leaving? Was it because he didn't want to be around me or was it because of familiy issues in his life? There were so many ideas running through my mind, as to the reason behind his leave i'll never know, but i did know that i wanted to tell him that i liked him and still do like him.                    

                   I woke up to a boring,hot, sunny Saturday. All i heard was silence downstairs. Great! Everyone is either gone or still sleeping. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth; my reflection..i always wished i was as beautiful as all those girls who had super awesome hair and clothes, but most of all they had a boyfriend, unlike me. I walk out of the bathroom connecting my ipod to the mini speakers. The song, "The Only Diffence Between Matyrdom and Suicide is Press Coverage" by Panic! At the Disco came on. I smiled as I picked out my clothes dancing around my room like an idiot. I got dressed quickly and standed in front of the long mirror in my room, i combed my hair as i look at the colors of my clothes. Hm, seems to be mainly black. MY friends liked my hair since it had natural beautiful curls but i don't pay attention to it much. As i was done, I stood their staring until i saw a bright red light coming from a square figure. It seemed to say 11:29 am. Hm, i smiled and looked back at my reflection when suddenly i just remember and my eyes widen as i did a double-take to see if the time was correct. Shit! Fuck me! I sighed i forgot that i was meeting my friend at McDonalds. Why McDonalds? I had no idea.                     

                   I heard a knock on the door. I walked down the stairs; my guess is that it's Claire. That funny dork, whenever I don't show up on our friend "date" she automatically comes to my house. She is the only friend who knows where i lived. Before i could get to the door, she barged in and saw me right away and yelled, "What the hell Kimmii! You were suppose to meet me around 10 am at McD's remember?". "Yes, Yes i know Clarie, I just was in a daze when i woke up" I said slowly. "W-Well Miss Kimmii Jennifer Willcott!" Clarie shouted. "Yeah, what?" i chuckled. "Miss 4"11, i have important news to tell you, but too bad you didn't show up sooner because i would've bought you chicken nuggets, since you don't eat it that often. Or was it because you were so short that i didn't see you" she laughed. "I-I don't need chicken nuggets i have plenty of food here! So let's go to the secret place quickly since it's that  "important", and with that, i put my black socks and red converse shoes on and went upstairs with Claire.              

                   We got into my room and into a secret passage that was hidden in my room for a purpose. My mom nor dad know about even though we lived here almost all our lives, we technically i lived there all my life not them. This passage i hid with a black rug. The only people who knew about this passage was the house owner, Claire and I. It led to small river area that not so many people go to. I call this my "Story River"; I told my life stories and my feelings to this river. I hadn't told anyone else about the river because i'm too scared that the city would find out. When the city finds out they will either close that area or make it some sort of store or buliding to make business go good, but i don't this beautiful sceneray to go away. I told Claire because she was the greatest friend so far. And the house owner, Gina Rojas, who wasn't that old knew about it. Gina  rarely goes there nor tells anyone else.              

                    Finally, we arrived to our location after a 10 mintue walk of silence.The reason behind us being so quiet was because we wanted to save everything for later. Claire walked towards the river, "You know that boy?" she said quietly. "What boy? Claire, you have to be more specific." i said with a confused look. She began again, "that boy whose hair was light brown and wears Hot Topic type of clothing, most of the time."I  thought and replied with the name, "Tim?". Claire shook her head and sat down, taking her sandals off and placing them to the side while putting her feet in the water. She looked down and said, " i don't think you know his name".  It was true that i didn't know, it was because of the way she was describing this anonomyous boy. There were many boys that fit her description. I needed her to be more specific so i could tell her if i knew him or not.              

                    After guessing more than 10 names i gave up. I figured that she would tell me sooner or later. I walked towards her and sat down. She stayed silent which was very unusual. I got worried so i asked, "Are you ok Claire?". She didn't answer, until suddenly she turned to me quickly and said, "That boy who is always crowded by girls because they like his body". My eyes widen at that statement. An image came to mind and i firgured who it was now. She continued, "He has beautiful light brown hair and he had those beautiful dimples. He also has those striking blue eyes. He is tall and handsome." My jaw dropped as i made the noise,  "Oh, him. But i don't know his name Claire". "I like him", she said quickly. She suddenly got up and left up the hill and left me alone in shock.          

                     I got and slowly walked on the path to my room. How could she like a boy who was crowded by so many girls? If they dated, she could end up getting hurt by the girls who liked him. But she seemed determinded to get him as her boyfriend. I haven't really paid much attention to him so i would't know his personality. But i did see him yell at a girl who followed him. I got out my phone and touched the screen typing, "Claire don't fall for him, bad things could happen to you". She replied instantly saying, " His name is Dereck Kent".

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