Welcome to the book of hell!
Just kidding, you're all officially invited into my admin book. The gnarliest admin book you're ever going to lay your eyes upon.
In this book, you should look out for the hottest updates on the Ramynn Famdom and my per...
Anyways, I the great admin Paige is here to tell you about what we plan to do as the IDY Famdom admins.
So as you may know, the main goal is to have IDY created into an anime. This story is definitely great anime material, it's not to mind-blowing but it isn't as simplistic as you'd think it would be. There's always a backstory behind everyone and we slowly saw Kikiri develop over the chapters as they advanced.
Back to the point, IDY can't just be made straight into an anime just by the click of a finger. The process can be quite exhausting. Firstly, a manga would be best to start off from and as we know most of this is Japanese but there's plenty of examples out there. Like the hit RWBY which is English, the animation isn't like you'd expect but it's still got an awesome storyline and you just have to give a few chances. It doesn't kill you to do it.
Secondly, once the manga progresses it needs a certain amount of sale to even start a development of an anime. Sales likes this can be hard to get and it's a struggle. After all, everyone is at an arm's race with wanting their mangas and animes to be the best and you can't blame them. We all have our ambitions don't we?
Third, with a suitable budget their needs to be a great team to make this dream come true. The process is going to have lots of obstacles and even if it does take years we can do this can't we? Let's be as determined as we can and even then - be even more determined! We want to accomplish this dream, we want to help Ramynn and with hard work success follows.
Finally, no matter what famdom. Even if this never comes to be, (let's not be too negative though) at least we'll look back on these memories and smile. Smile at the times we've created and what we got done. Friendship is a truly amazing thing and creating moments from that is an amazing experience every human needs. Let's strive for our goal famdom!
Our first objective should be to expand our famdom, we should bring more awareness to IDY and what our future plans are. From there if we can increase the popularity of Ramynn's book and her writing in general we can step closer to our goal.
Let's not jump too far now and focus on this objective.
Now here are some quotes from Love Live to pump you up.
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and there's plenty more you can go read (basically go search 'love live quotes'). I applied these three as they're much more relevant to the chapter and what I've just discussed. With our willpower, we can make this goal come true. It's not impossible.