_admin and chill

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Good evening my fellow Ramynnions, I am back once again.

What topic shall I talk about today I wonder? Just kidding, I already have one in mind.

I would like to extend more on my individual project as even though I put plenty of thought in...I missed a crucial part!! 

What is that you may ask? Well, I forgot to add the date it closes...

Well, I would like to think maybe a few weeks for the document but for the overall experiences and stories on FAMdom's documentary? Never-ending!

Why so? Because we'll grow over the years, some people are new to the FAMdom this year and some are seasoned veterans but either way, I want to hear's everyone's stories whether they are new or old. 

I want this FAMdom to add to their stories and extend them as they grow with each other, that's probably why I don't want to put an official finishing date for this documentary...

For now, I'll say at the end of July!

On the 31st July, I will close the form for the documentary so make sure to send your experiences in by then! 

Now that I've set a date, I'll be able to start working on this documentary book and then be able to present it to you at the end! 

I hope everyone in the FAMdom is excited as I am to see this, I'm going to pour a lot of effort into my story okay? So, please do the same for yours!

For now, if you still have any more questions or whatnot, make sure to get in contact with me!

INSTAGRAM - _vantessy


See you later FAMdom! 

_admin and chillWhere stories live. Discover now