_admin and chill

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Hey FAMdom, what did I tell you? I am going to try and stick to my words and be more active as I have the duty of an admin.

Recently, some may have noticed that the RamynnFAMdom's Discord was deleted - why? 

I decided it was too outdated to my previous works of Discord (I own my own servers and they are much better than what the old RF Discord was) so I decided to create a new one!

Here is the link:


There's only one customisable command there: 


This will provide you with the current links of Ramynn and the FAMdom's social media (excluding Discord for RF) up-to-date now!

There are also 6 current joinable roles that are based around the main characters (Inu Brothers, Kikiri, Hitomu and OT5 - OT5 meaning all of the characters) which you will be able to categorise yourself with. Please don't assign yourself every joinable role and instead if you want to choose all 5, just use OT5 instead of each individual member. 

There'll also be an automatic role assigned once you join called 'Ramynnion' and you will be given a welcome message by the bot. Make sure to mute notifications with Discord's notification settings if you want to avoid the nuisance!

Keep a look-out for more! I want to improve the Discord as it grows and make a comfortable environment on Discord for the Ramynn FAMdom.

_admin and chillWhere stories live. Discover now