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The Signs when sick


Aries: Hardly ever gets sick but when they do... no one notices.

Taurus: Binges on all the food in the house while they're home

Gemini: Will takes weeks off for a sniffle because they're "dying"

Cancer: Sleeps and sleeps and sleeeeeeeeeps

Leo: Refuses to recognize that they're sick until they're dead.

Virgo: Dramatizes their symptoms but catches up on their reading

Libra: Tries to rest and get better but ends up stressing about getting behind

Scorpio: Spends hours watching movies, crying and feeling bad for themselves

Sagittarius: Will snapchat you and moan about their symptoms

Capricorn: Ice-cream... Netflix... give it to me.

Aquarius: Sick... what's that?

Pisces: Only takes one day off and powers through the rest like a real hero

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