Ch.7: Proper Introductions

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~Delerious' pov~

Once we were all awake and they knew our names, it was our turn to ask questions. "Now that you know our names," I cross my arms and lean against the wall next to Mini's bed, "What are yours?"
They looked to the one in the red jacket, two white stripes on either upper arm of the sleeve. He nods and they all look back at us, the doctor figure stepping up first. "My name is Cartoonz with a z at the end. I'm the medic around here and, like you, am a hybrid of a Tazmanian Devil." he says with a grin.

The next one was a tan looking male with black hair, a small, thin moustache, and stubble on his chin. "My name is Daithi de Nogla, but either Daithi or Nogla is fine. I'm the hybrid of a pit bull." He snaps his fingers and a thin, but smooth furred black tail and ears appeared.

The next person had a light muddy brown hair color and was wearing a white shirt with a hot pink cat on it and the words 'I AM WILDCAT' under it, and white with black striped pants. "The name's I Am Wildcat," figures, "But just call me Wildcat. I'm the hybrid of a white tiger!" He said with a smile as white, striped ears and tail appeared.

Lastly was, who seemed to be, the leader. He had black slicked up hair and seemed to look canadian. He wore a red jacket with white striped sleeves and black skinny jeans. "My name is Vanoss, I am the leader of this little group and you'll meet the others later. I am the hybrid of an owl." As he says this little very light brown feathers grow from his cheeks and his eyes dialate.
"Mkay, so care to tell us about hybrids and how they work? Cuz we are new to this." Lui speaks up. Vanoss nods and waves his hand at us to follow. As he puts his hand back down mine starts to twitch in want.
I wonder how soft his hand is. Are his feathers soft? Would he let me touch them? Would- GAH! Jonathan stop! Get your raging GAY-MONES under control! I stop leaning on the wall and help Craig out of his bed, him trying to get up without crushing his tails. Lui springs out of bed and spins, his tail trailing in a circle behind him.
"This is so cool!" he yells in his kid voice. My ears twitch as I hear a low chuckle. I look up and see that Nogla guy staring at Lui, who fails to notice the chuckle and eyes boring into his back. I cough and Nogla looks at me and I give him a death glare. He stiffens and runs out the room after his friends.
"This is gonna take some getting used to..." Craig says as he finally stands up. I nod and we all walk, well, all but Lui who was skipping and spinning; doing anything to get his tail to move in different ways. I look around and it looks like a normal house, only longer to fit at least ten different bedrooms. "Wow this place is huge!" I say as we walk farther through.
Vanoss nods and looks back, looking into my eyes and I look into his amber ones. "There are a few of us, there's us then there's  Moo, Marcel, Bryce, Ohm, and Terrorizer. There's more but they like to travel." I nod and he faces forward again and stops in front of a metal door that has a lockpad on the side. He puts in a code and it opens, a large table lit by an overhead light sits in the middle with moniters and blackout windows fill the walls.
"This looks straight outta action movie!" Lui yells and everyone snickers and/or chuckles. "We are going to tell you the basics of being a hybrid." Vanoss says while him, Wildcat and Nogla sit on one side of the table and Craig, Lui and I sit opposite of them.

~Vanoss' Pov~

I sit across from Delerious and look at him while he talks to the others after we all have sat down. I then notice something off about his eye color. One is an ocean blue, nice and calming while the other is a striking sky blue. I know it's not a cause of the hybrid transformation because it's never happened with any of us.
Yes these three individuals are unique, but that shouldn't change the eye color or else the same would have happened to Mini and Squeaker. "Hey Delerious?" I ask and he stops conversing with the others staring at me. "Yeah Vanoss?" he asks and I melt slightly on the inside at his voice. I tap the side of his mask next to his right eye, the sky blue eye. "Is there a reason your eyes are different shades of blue?" I ask and he stiffens.
The others hush and look at Delerious who has spaced out. Mini takes a good look and lightly gasps. "HE'S RIGHT! Your eyes are different shades of blue! How did we not notice Lu- um, Squeaker?!" he asked and turned to the male. "No idea but it's cool! So how are they like that?" Delerious snaps out of his funk and starts to nervously chuckle. "I-It's just a birth defect! Yeah, it's nothing to dwell on! A-Anyway! About hybrids..." He asks looking at me.

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