Chapter One

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Talia's POV:

My phone made that familiar buzzing noise. I quickly scanned the screen.

"Hey Talia. Just wanted to say I had a great time hanging out with you over the Summer. Do you want to maybe catch up this weekend? Richie."

I finished reading and without a second thought I swiped to delete.

It was the first day of school. Summer was over and so was my association with Richie.

Sure it had been fun but my mantra was keep on moving. Keep my heart closed. Things were less messy that way.

As I entered the school, I received the usual admiring glances. My best friend forever Brittany had always told me that I had this effect on people. That people couldn't help but stop and stare. Sure it makes me sound like I'm conceited but I liked the attention so I always made sure I looked my best at all times.

It was a trait that I had learned from young age. Being the baby girl in a family of three elder brothers, my parents had always doted on me. My shelves were filled with cute baby competition photos, awards and ribbons. Apparently the judges couldn't get enough of me. I won first prize easily many times over.

Not that I remember any of this. My Mum died in a car accident when I was five. Suddenly I was left in a household full of boys so there was no time left for beauty competitions and fussing around. Dad tried his best to raise me the way my Mum would have wanted but he was lost in his own grief. Trying to get noticed in amongst my boisterous brothers was difficult. As I grew older I learned that my looks made people stop and pay attention. Call me vain, call me a narcissist but I knew my strengths. It was then I learned how to play it to my advantage.

Brittany and I had been friends since nursery school. I remember seeing her there on the first day. She seemed so lonely standing in the corner by herself. I understood what it was like to be unnoticed so I immediately befriended her. We had been inseparable ever since. We were the sisters that we never had.

Brittany had always been a shy, sweet girl. If I had to describe her in one word it would be ingénue. I learned that phrase from English class during one of the rare times that I was actually paying attention. The word described Brittany perfectly. Innocent and wholesome and sweet.

Not that I begrudged her for it. It was one of her many qualities that I love about her. She always kept things in perspective for me.

I remember the time she first met Zac. I could tell she liked him but I knew that she wouldn't have made the first move. So I did what any good friend would do. I pushed Zac towards her. It wasn't till afterwards did I realise that my feelings towards Zac went beyond friendship. Not the usual rush of pure attraction I usually felt but something more meaningful, more deep. Perhaps I saw in Zac, what I saw in Brittany. That sweet kind of innocence. I loved it.

So I kept my distance and pushed my feelings towards Jackson. Not that I truly understood it at the time but I invested all my emotional energy into something that was clearly not right. The greater my feelings for Zac, the more I pushed them to Jackson. That was when things started to get out of control.

Jackson was a manipulator, a user. I think deep down he knew the truth and used it to his advantage. He took on the role of a loving, caring guy but underneath it all, he was all bad.

The real me would have seen this for what it was and quickly moved on but I was so blinded by what I thought was love I allowed myself to get lost in the fantasy.

Luckily for me, I realised soon enough. The moment I saw Jackson trying to take advantage of Brittany, the spell was broken. Brittany had held her own though. I laughed when I recalled the image of her kicking Jackson. I would have done far worse to him but for Brittany it was a victory. She had learned to fight for herself. I was so proud of her.

"Talia! I've missed you so much!"

My thoughts were shattered by Brittany calling my name. She had recently returned from her Summer break in London. She seemed a different person now. I couldn't quite put my finger on it but it was like she was more worldly, more mature. The sweet Brittany was still there but it was like she was changing. Growing up.

I turned to embrace her into a huge hug. It had been lonely this Summer without her here. I missed her terribly.

"And how is everybody today?"

I turned around to find Zac behind me. He quickly went up to Brittany and put his arms around her. I had to fake cough just to stop them kissing.

"I'm so sorry Talia. I missed Zac all Summer. I just want to make up for lost time."

Zac then grabbed her and spun her around. Brittany laughed with joy.

I wasn't a stranger to public shows of affection and in the past I probably would have encouraged it. Right now though it was starting to make me feel uncomfortable and only Zac and I knew the real reason why. It made me feel uncomfortable cause this Summer I had done something totally and utterly stupid. I had done the worst thing in the world a person can do to their best friend. I had kissed the one person my best friend forever was totally and absolutely in love with. I had kissed Zac.

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