Chapter Nine

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"Where are you going in such a hurry?"

His voice was teasing. He gave me this huge smile and his eyes sparkled.

My heart started beating a million miles an hour. He was still gorgeous. I hadn't seen him for a while. He and Teddy apparently had some kind of falling out. Not that Teddy had let me into his confidence. As if! Truth was I had no idea what had happened between them.

"Blaine. How are you? I haven't spoken to you in ages."

The reality was that I had looked for him around school. I used to sneak glances at him in the hallway. Many, many times over I willed myself to go up to him but then each time I lost my nerve and quickly ran in the opposite direction. This wasn't the old me. That person would have flirted and carried on regardless of the consequence. The new me, however was different. The new me was scared.

"Come let's catch up. If you have a minute come and walk with me."

Brittany had been watching this exchange with amusement. I could see mischievousness look in her eyes.

"Well I better go and find out what Zac is up to."

She ran away before I could say a word leaving me alone with Blaine.

"Shall we?" He gestured towards the park.

"Ok sure. I have some time."

"Talia. I've been meaning to talk to you for a while."

Blaine continued chatting excitedly as we walked.

"I mean you know, after Teddy and I had our falling out and everything."

"Why did you? I mean why did you fall out with Teddy. I thought you guys were best friends."

"You mean you really don't know?"

"Blaine seriously. Teddy hardly talks to me about normal stuff let alone tell me his deepest secrets."

I rolled my eyes to show my contempt.

"Oh ok. That's interesting." 

We had reached the park. The wind was blowing softly. Trees were swaying in the breeze. The flowers were in full bloom and the air was fragrant with their perfume. It was truly a beautiful scene.

Blaine stood in front of me and looked directly in my eyes. My legs suddenly felt like jelly. It took all my will power to stay upright.

"Talia. The reason why Teddy and I don't talk anymore is's because of you."

"What? What did I do wrong? It's typical Teddy behaviour to put all the on blame me. I really hate him right now."

"No Talia. It wasn't your fault. None of it was. It was all me. I told Teddy that I wanted to ask you out and he flat out told me to get lost."

I thought about Blaine's words. No wonder Teddy had been treating me with more contempt than usual. My relationship with Teddy these past few months had been excruciating.

"He said I had to make a decision. I had to choose between him and you. I made my choice. I chose you."

"What??" My head was spinning with this new knowledge.

"But it's been months since Teddy and you have been friends. How could you have chosen me. I haven't even seen or spoken to you during that time."

Blaine breathed in deeply and sighed.

"I thought you were still in love with James. I know you were crazy about him and when you broke up I noticed that you kind of changed. Not that it was a bad thing or anything but I wanted to give you space. The last thing you needed was me being your rebound guy."

I laughed out loud. The realisation came over me that all this time we had avoided each other for the wrong reasons. This whole time he thought I was in love with James. He couldn't have been further from the truth. The whole thing was a mess.

"Why are you laughing. Do you think I'm a fool for telling you that I like you. Perhaps this was a mistake."

He turned to leave. I quickly grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

"No Blaine. I'm laughing cause I was never in love with James. It was a huge misunderstanding from the start. I broke up with him cause I didn't feel anything for him. I had feelings for somebody else. I had feelings for you."

"Oh had feelings. I see Talia. So you don't feel that way anymore?"

He turned away again. I knew I had to tell him the truth and tell him fast.

"OMG Blaine. Don't you realise that my feelings haven't changed. I think I'm in love with you."

"Then prove it to me."

He swept me in his arms. Suddenly we were kissing passionately in amongst a sea of flowers. Electric sparks were radiating off our bodies. Months of pent up feelings were released in a spectacular single moment.

"Oh Talia, beautiful Talia." Blaine moaned as he continued to kiss me. "You don't know how long I've waited for this moment. I think I'm in love with you too."

This felt so right. It was nothing like what I had with James nor what I had felt with any other guy previously. I thought I knew what I was feeling before. I was wrong. This was what love was supposed to be.

We broke our embrace and reality sobered us.

"We are going to have to tell Teddy aren't we?" I asked although I knew the answer already.

"Let's tackle him together, oh and your father too."

"Hmmm. I guess there's no delaying the inevitable is there. I want to be able to show my love not hide it away like we have something to be ashamed of."

I looked at him and smiled as he held my hand.

We started walking towards home. I had learned to open my heart to love. Like a flower, I felt the petals around my heart bursting. My heart was in full bloom.

Thank you for reading Time For Talia. If you like this story, please read The Heart of Zac which is a continuation and depicts life from Zac's point of view. Read about the maturing relationship between Brittany and Zac as they complete their final year of high school. Will they manage to stay together as they head into adulthood? Show your appreciation by sharing, voting, commenting, messaging. I love hearing from my readers.

Brittany xoxo

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