Chapter Four

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After the dinner fiasco I excused myself and ran into my bedroom. I checked out myself in the mirror. Surely my bum wasn't that fat. I hated my stupid brother and his stupid comments.

My phone chimed and I quickly checked the screen. James! I had forgotten I was supposed to message him. I quickly replied.

"Sorry James. It's been one of those nights. Been meaning to message you."

"Haha was thinking you might have changed your mind about our date. 🤔"

"No I haven't. How about meeting at the coffee shop after school tomorrow."

"Sounds like a plan. I'm looking forward to it. 😀"

James sounded so nice and sweet but I couldn't let my guard down. Nice had gotten me in trouble before. I swore I'd never let my anybody penetrate my heart again. This was something to do to pass the time.

I passed Teddy's room and I could hear voices. Blaine was still here. I would have kept walking past except I heard my name being mentioned. Curiosity got the better of me.

"So does Talia have a boyfriend?"

I pressed my ear closer to the door.

"Blaine why do you want to know besides she's a brat."

"I think she's cute."

"Cute?? You've got to be joking. Don't get any ideas though. Dad might think she's a heart breaker but she's strictly off limits."

I wanted to hear more so I pushed my ear closer. The door suddenly gave way and I crashed through onto the floor.

"OMG Talia. WTF are you doing!"

Teddy and Blaine were sitting on the floor checking out car magazines.

"Sorry." I mumbled and quickly ran away.

Three times today I had fallen over under humiliating circumstances. What was going on? How could I face Blaine again. Surely he must have realised I heard him call me cute. My heart started beating fast at that thought. I knew I shouldn't think about Blaine like that but he seemed so mysterious, so exciting. Teddy forbidding it made it even more appealing. Somehow this feeling was different. I was getting bored with the usual guys at school. Maybe it was time for something new. Still, where could this go? Nowhere and fast. I'm sure Teddy would put a stop to this if he knew the truth of what I was feeling. Too much was going on in my head. I thought it was time to go to bed and start the day anew.

The next day I waited for James at the coffee shop. He arrived on time and paid for my coffee like a gentleman. We spoke about school and our families. He was the type of guy that Brittany would have approved of. Polite, kind and gentle. I found myself talking very easily to him. Part of my heart was opening up like a flower. It was as if the first petal was starting to unfurl. I didn't know what was happening but I liked it.

"I've enjoyed catching up with you Talia. Can we go out again? Perhaps go see a movie or something."

I did like James but part of me found him almost too nice. Surely guys like him didn't really exist. Except they did. Zac was one of them. I knew deep down though that I could never have Zac. He well and truly belonged to Brittany.

Perhaps it was time to open my heart to new possibilities.

"Sure. That sounds good." I said the words but I wasn't sure I really believed it.

I reached home and I was surprised to see Blaine sitting on the front step.

"If you're looking Teddy he's not here. Dad sent him to the office after school on some work errands."

I expected him to get up and leave but he just sat there.

"Is there something else?"

I didn't really feel like making small talk. I couldn't wait to get inside to talk to Brittany.

"Actually Talia I wanted to talk to you. I think you're sweet. How about we go out on a date sometime? Get to know each other a bit better?"

Blaine was gorgeous but he was also Teddy's friend. I really didn't feel like getting in another fight with Teddy. I already had enough issues going on in my life already.

"Nope sorry." I brushed past him and shut the front door behind me.

I peeked out the window by the front door. He was still standing there with a surprised look on his face. It was probably not the answer he was expecting. Slowly he admitted defeat and walked away.

I flopped onto my bed and called Brittany.

"Hi Britt. How's things?"

I told her about James and our coffee date. I told her about Blaine waiting at home for me. Brittany listened attentively before offering advice.

"How do you feel about James and Blaine? Is James another fling for you? From what you've told me he sounds like a really nice guy. Maybe take your time and get to know him better. He might just turn out to be the right one."

I thought about it. It was more complicated than that. I liked James. He was a sweet guy and he made me feel good about myself but Blaine made me feel like my heart was going to explode. I shivered just at the thought of him. Blaine was totally off limits though. I knew Teddy would make my life a living hell if I even considered looking at Blaine.

"James is sweet. I don't really know him well but he seems like a good guy."

"And let me guess. Teddy will kill you if you go anywhere near Blaine. Well Talia. All I can say is follow your heart. If it leads you to Blaine then talk to Teddy. Don't make the same mistakes I did. Secrets destroy everything but give James a chance. He might surprise you."

I considered Brittany's words carefully. Was I rejecting Blaine just based on Teddy's reaction or was I really making a connection with James.

This was too much to think about. Life was easier when I didn't care about the guy. Unintentionally my heart had started to open but was it for James or Blaine. Sadly I had no idea.

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