~You Can Dance If You Want To~

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Take a deep breath.


Deep breath in.


Luna opened her eyes to the darkness that surrounded her, her other senses fighting for dominance. The cold steel of her snakebites clinked against her teeth softly as she bounced on her bottom, her nerves were beginning to get the best of her. Leda sat next to her, swaying gently side to side, twirling a stand of her long, purple pink hair. She smiled at her friend, Leda returning one.

Leda was a little taller than her, with striking, bright green eyes. Her skin was flawlessly pale, something their tattoo artist always loved about her. The ink that decorated her arms and legs seemed to pop right off her skin. An ocean theme decorated her right leg, a giant octopus being the main attraction as its tenticals wrapped every which way up and down her leg. Starfish, stingrays, and other small fish decorated the rest of the space, a beautiful light blue tenting the upper part of her thigh. The blue tent slowly darkened the lower you looked, finally disappearing into her shoe. Her left leg was dedicated to an adorable sloth, who Luna had nicknamed Jeffery, which was still a work in progress. Leda's arms were decorated with half sleeves, mainly of the things she loved. Different symbols and colors were blended together beautifully to complete the sleeves. Luna's favorite was the one with the Splatoon squid covered in watercolor splats of all different colors.
Leda had her ears pierced twice, a set of diamonds in the first set of holes and jade stones in the next. A very tiny mushroom was inked into the top part of each ear. The diamonds in her ears matched the ones that decorated her lip in mouse bite form and once on top like the Monroe, catching every light and making them shine bright. Leda also had her ladybird, what the girls liked to refer to it as, pierced, something that earned her so many cool points. Her hair flowed almost to her bottom, a purple, pink ombré fade which made everything on her body pop. Ink, eyes, skin...everything.

Luna picked at a clump of silver glitter on Leda's arm, flicking it away. "Sorry, I glittered on ya." She giggled out quietly.

Leda grinned, looking down at her arm, shrugging slightly. "It's not like my green hasn't gotten on you."

Luna glanced down at her shimmering body, a few pieces of green glitter trailing across her thigh. "I'm surprised I can actually see it back here."

"Right?! How dark does it really need to be?! I can barely see anything!"

Luna laughed, her hand clamping down on her mouth. They had been asked to remain quiet until they were signaled and there was no way she was going to blow this gig cause she couldn't keep quiet. She shut her eyes and calmed herself, Leda grinning at her.

Luna took another glance down at her exposed skin, checking to make sure everything was covered. They had learned early on that more skin equaled more money. Well...within reason. Being around fire wasn't all that great when you had as much exposed skin as they did, but they suffered through it. The silks and hoops weren't bad on the flesh, but they did get raw from time to time. Most of the time their outfits were twin style, just different colors. Luna usually sported black while Leda chose actual colors. Since the night was for body modification, they had chosen a look that would proudly show off their skin. Their costume covered their chest enough to cover the ladies, but then wrapped around their neck like a halter top. At the bottom of the top, the wrapped once around their waist in a 'X' shape to cover their ladybirds. Loose strands of costume material hung from their arms and ankles.

Luna slipped her hand through her long, blue and white hair, checking for knots for the hundredth time. Leda did the same, her neon green nails catching some of the light peeking from the opening of the curtains. In their line of work, perfection was key and so were looks. Makeup definitely helped, thank goodness, but there was a natural beauty to them as well.

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