Chapter 11 I promise pt2

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Hey guys I kept forgetting to tell you that you can follow me on Instagram @nataliastanaway.So if you want to see what I the author looks like unless you are Laci Alexis and everyone I know than feel free to look for me on Instagram.But please if you do find me please do not be a creep.Also I love you all and enjoy this chapter bye.

    P.s I am truly sorry for not posting in a while I was just having a little writers block and I was busy.
Ok I'm leaving now so you can read bye:)
Liu's POV

When we get to the hospital the doctors did a bunch of tests on me.They had to look at my back and my body and my everything.I am very self conscious about my body and showing people my body,because of the bruises and the scars that were inflicted on my body.The whole time I was being tested Jeff was by my side.He wouldn't even leave to get water.I guess he was just afraid of me leaving again and this I wasn't going to come back,but I keep telling him to go and get some sleep and I get the same answer every time"I'm fine I don't need sleep."And i keep giving him this look that says"I beg to differ."

~Time skip-1Hour later~

The doctor comes back in and says"Liu we still are waiting to get the test results back so we are hoping to have them by tomorrow,but until we do you are going to stay here in the hospital."I nod and the doctor looks over to Jeff and tells him"go home and gets some rest and you can come back tomorrow to see him."Jeff looked over to me and said"goodnight Liu see you tomorrow and try to get some sleep."I smile and nod"I will but you  look like you need it the most how much sleep did you get?" "Altogether I got about 4 hours of sleep why do you ask?"I look at him with surprise because I have never seen anyone with this much energy and only have 4 hours of sleep."Oh no reason goodnight Jeff."

~Time skip because she who is the author is a lazy butt head~

I woke up and Looked over at the clock and it read 10:27.I was surprised I got a full nights sleep without nightmares.I usually have a sleepless night or a night full of nightmares,terrifying nightmares of my mom getting murdered right in front of me and I didn't do anything to stop,but I sometimes very rarely do I get really good dreams where my mom is there saying that it wasn't my fault that I was little and I couldn't help it.And that is what kept me going this whole time was the thought of my mom saying that it was going to be ok and it wasn't my fault and that she loves and misses me.The doctor walked in disturbing my train of thought and said"the test results are in and it said you are going to be just fine so you can leave today."He gave me a quick smile and walked out of the room.Right after the doctor leaves Jeff walked in with a big smile on his face.I smile back at him and asked him"Why are you so happy this morning?"He gives me this look that confused me but I didn't say anything because I wanted to hear what his response was."Because I got so much sleep last night it was unbelievable."He said in this really weird voice that for some reason I found amazing.Wait am I falling for my friend.Yeah he is cute and funny and hot..and...beautiful.....ahh crap I am.Well this is going to be hard.Wait when has anything been easy.Who cares anymore I am home with my only friend that found so much out about me on his first day and I barely know anything about him.Hmm I will talk to him about that later but for know I want to get of this hospital gown."The doctor said I can leave so do you happen to have a spare change in clothes?"I asked Jeff hoping to god that he had clothes.He nodded and said"I knew  you were going to be let out soon so I brought you some clothes this morning while you were sleeping.When I got here you were still asleep so I went to the bathroom and did a few things."He smiled grabbed a bag and gave it to me and left so I could change.I was so relieved when I was able to change into some normal clothes and not a hospital gown.When we got to Jeff's house I felt safer for some reason."Jeff?"Jeff looks at me with a worry filled face"What is it Liu is there something wrong?"I shake my head and say"Do you promise not to leave me and not to hurt me like my father did?"Tears threatened to fall but I wanted to look strong and not like a crybaby."Liu I would never want to hurt you.You are the best thing that has happened to me and I would do anything to make sure you are not hurt and happy."I let the tears fall because that was the nicest thing I have ever heard from anyone."You promise?"He smiled softly and nodded"I promise.Now let's head inside so you can get some food."I nod with a big smile on my face.


So I hope you enjoyed that chapter and if you did please comment how much you enjoyed it.And Alexis if your reading this I hope you know I don't want to die and I hope you don't come hunt me down and make me write a chapter and I am really scared of you Alexis. So bye and hope you enjoyed

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