Chapter12 I have to see him again?

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I thought that this cute picture would help make you smile if you are having a bad day cause I care for all of you.Now enjoy this chapter bye.

One Week Later-

Liu's POV

I wake up to the sound of my blaring alarm and fall out of bed.I get up,turned off the alarm,and went to go take a shower.I turn on the water and set it to the perfect temperature,close to scolding hot,and stepped in.I enjoyed the felling of the hot water running down my body.Its like a good way of waking me up without loud sounds.Once I was finished with my shower I walk over to my closet and pick out my outfit which consisted of black jeans,a black and grey camouflage tank top,black socks and tennis shoes,and a black beanie.After I got dressed I went over to my nightstand and grabbed my phone and left my room  to get some breakfast.I grabbed stuff to make a bowl of cereal and sat down.Three minutes later Jeff walks in and smiles while saying good morning as he comes and sits right next to me.I said morning back while
getting back to eating my cereal.I finished eating and put my dishes and everything away so I could go on my phone and check if it was going to be sunny or cloudy or both who knows.Just as I was about to go on the weather app on my phone the house phone rings.I sigh as I get up to answer the phone.I trip over my on feet and land on my face,I look up because the ringing stopped to see that Jeff answered it.He looks down and smirks"Why are you on the floor Liu?"It took a moment to realize he tripped me,so I got up and walked up to his face,and said"you tripped me to get the phone didn't you?"His smirk grows even bigger than drops."I ask him"Are you ok?"He just holds up a hand telling me to hold on and be quite for a second.Jeff then says"Thank you I will tell him,goodbye" then hangs up the phone."Do you want the bad news or the good news first?"he says with a weird expression on his face.I know what the expression is,it's his' I'm serious but also I'm joking' face.I decided,good news,"good news."Jeff grinned"I was the one who tripped you because I was expecting a call from a friend,and if you answered it they would have not known who you were and I felt the need to trip you.Now for the bad news."His face dropped into a frown,and I made the face that says' keep going'.He gets the point and continues."The bad news is you dad and his friend are going to court-"That's great news why did you say it was bad news?"he sighs because of me interrupting."Let me finish,your dad and his friend are going to court,but you have to be there to explain something and answer the judge's questions and other stuff I don't know how to explain."My face dropped to a face filled with terror.He catches this and says"I will be there so don't worry."All I can't do is just hug him as tightly as I can and cry saying"I don't want to go" over and over again.Because I have to see him again.

Hey guys that is going to be it for this chapter I hope you all enjoyed it and the picture I put up above and have a nice day.Also Alexis please don't kill me because it's a little over due I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry.I  really am.Sparky will do anything to be forgiven.Goodbye my little thunder clouds.Thats a good name to call you guys right comment down bellow if you like it or if you have a good name for me to call you guys.bye bye now.

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