Playful Heart [10] I Wanna Be Yours

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Chapter Ten

I Wanna Be Yours

“I really appreciate you keeping me company.” I said softly to Lysander as we walked back to my hotel. I was still surprised he had shown up. Even though he was my mate and we had this connection, I still felt like he wouldn’t show.

But he did, and I couldn’t be more thankful.

“Nikolai, whenever you need me, I am here.” I smiled up at him and then frowned.

“I should have listened to you.” It was the truth. If I had just listened to my mates order, if I had just stayed in the hotel room instead of going to see Giovanni, none of this would have happened.  He even told me to just drop Giovanni all-together. But I couldn’t listen.

I never listened.

And I always ended up the one in trouble.

“I will not lie, I am angry that you didn’t listen to me.” I frowned deeper as I saw how serious and angry his face was, but then it softened. “But I am more glad that you called to me for comfort.” I smiled at that, and so did Lysander. We stopped right outside of the hotel and I was prepared to say goodbye, but Lysander grabbed my wrist, pulling me towards him.

“Nikolai. I—I know this is really sudden, but I want you to be with me. Like, in a relationship way.” He let go of me and shook his head, raking his hands through his hair. “I don’t know why I feel this urge to always be with you. I wake up in the morning and my heart aches because you aren’t there. I have never felt this way before and normally, I would run away at the mention of a relationship, but with you,” He cupped my face with his hands and stared me straight in the eye, “I want to be your everything.”

I don’t know what made me pull his face to mine and give him the most mind-blowing kiss ever. It may have been the fact that he just confessed his feelings to me. If we weren’t outside and Nate and Essie weren’t in my room, I would take him up there and mate with him right now, but that’s what stopped me and made me pull away.

I was keeping a secret. One that I couldn’t force myself to tell him. Even if he did deserve to know I was his mate and even that I was a werewolf, I still just couldn’t tell him.

“Say, if the person you loved was hiding something, a really big something and they couldn’t tell you because they feared it would make you leave them, would you be mad they wouldn’t tell you?” I watched his face go from confusion to concern in seconds and I regretted opening my mouth.

“Is this person you?” He asked his voice calm. My dad’s words echoed in my mind as I mulled over whether or not to tell him. I wasn’t staying in Greece forever, and it would kill both of us if I left without him. He needed to know.

Then there were the “what ifs”. What if he got scared or worse, disgusted, by the fact that I was a werewolf, and he was my mate? What if he rejected me and ran away? I wouldn’t survive that, I knew it. I barely survived seeing Giovanni earlier. I took a deep breath as I made my mind up.

“I’m afraid to tell you.” I told him quietly, looking away.

“Kolya.” My body shivered at the way my nickname sounded with his voice. “Whatever it is, I will never leave. There is something about you that keeps drawing me back and makes me want to stay.”

But you won’t stay if you know what I am.

“Can I tell you tomorrow?” I asked. Even if he did reject me and I went back to Emery, I could still let my dad know I told my mate the truth. That way, I would have one less thing to make my dad worry about.

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