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"I'll see you later, but like I said yesterday, if she does anything that makes you uncomfortable call me, text me, throw a brick at me, do something and I will immediately come get you, alright?" I nodded "ok, I'll see you later" she kissed my forehead as I saw Caitlyn walking toward me so we could leave for her house.

To be honest I'm kind of nervous, what if she really did do something to me that I won't like or even worse what if I do like it!? "Dude calm down, I'm not going to do anything to you. I promise, I have a girlfriend and I like her a lot" I let out a huge sigh of relief, "wow you were that scared" I nodded "it was mostly Nicole that got me nervous" she nodded and chuckled a bit.

We arrived at her complex which was closer to the school than mine.
She unlocked the door and I was revealed a living room similar to my own, were all of the apartments the same? I'll ask Nicole later. "So I think we should get started, the quicker we start the quicker we get it over with" I said as I set out the supplies, including the rubric that I quickly scanned over the day we got it.

-some time later ahh-

"There is no way we can finish before 11:00" I said as I sighed in defeat. Today we were working on it in class but we couldn't finish enough and there's no way we can finish now.

Caitlyn thought for a second "I know how" she ran to the kitchen and came back with a white bottle with a blue packaging around the middle. She popped it open and took a swig and gave a sour taste "what is that!?" I asked she gave me an evil smirk "just drink it so we can finish this" I took a swig and nearly threw the bottle "haha it's vodka" I shrugged "whatever keeps us awake."

We kept drinking the vodka and eventually we somehow finished the project, slightly drunk. "We finished" she slurred and put her arms around my shoulders "yup" I giggled. "Where's your roommate" I asked she shrugged "upstairs I think" she shrugged too.

She got closer to me but in my drunken shape I didn't think "c'mere" she whispered in my ear and I got closer "you have pretty lips" she said and got closer. Suddenly the gap between us closed, I felt soft lips on mine. She went to deepen the kiss when I heard keys jiggling in the front door. Gasps bounced around the room as I quickly got up but fell right back down.

I saw Nicole's angry and hurt face, she scrunched up her face as she harshly grabbed my bicep. I tried to pry her fingers off but they weren't budging "I don't know what went on in there but I don't want to hear a word from you" I went to open my mouth but clamped it shut as I felt betrayal and self anger wash over me. I kissed another girl and I let her.

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