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As I went down the stairs to put on my shoes I brush passed Nicole and didn't even look at her. To me at this moment she is my roommate and absolutely nothing else, she let her she get in front of our love. That's fine, perfectly fine, she can have whoever she wants now.

"Oh my god. Don't tell me you're still mad!" She scoffed and started laughing. I went up to her and slapped her "who's laughing now?" I said as I sauntered out of the house and slammed the door.

I then arrived at school without her, I went to Alex and told her my situation. She understood and comforted me, "I know you're upset but you have to realize that she is 18 and it is illegal for an adult to date a minor." She said and my eyes teared up. She was right, I'm just being an idiot.

All day I was trying to get Nicole's attention, she ignored me like I wasn't even there. By lunch time I was sure that she would be fine but we just sat there in silence, I kept my head down the whole time not even eating. She didn't even encourage me to, she just sat there eating silently.

When school was over we walked in silence, I'm so tired of silence, I want my lively, amazing girlfriend back.

When we got back to the apartment I was practically in tears, I went up to our room and just cried. I then heard the door open and felt some weight on my bed, a soft arm found it's way around my waist. My tear flow slowing down "hey baby" she whispered in my ear.

"H-hi" she pulled me closer to her "are you ok?" I nodded "I am now that you're here" she smiled and kissed my forehead. "I'm so sorry that I slapped you this morning" she chuckled a little "it didn't even hurt that much. Don't sweat it" I nodded again. Nicole got up and left I assume.

I dried my tears and went downstairs to get food as it was cooking there was a knock at the door, "I'll get it" I screamed at Nicole. I opened the door and almost fell in my place.


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