Dr. Slug x Abused! Blind! Reader

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You entered work in crutches and bandages around your eyes. A service dog, it's collar saying 'Sandy', walking around you as you moved yourself. Dr. Slug after hearing multi barks and getting annoyed by it, walked out of his lab to see you in your current position.


You turned your head towards the voice as Sandy stood beside you. "D..Dr. Slug..?" You called out. Dr. Slug rushed over to you and placed his hands on your cheeks. "What in the Hell happened?" Dr. Slug asked. You sniffled and lowered your head as Sandy sat next to you.

Dr. Slug, from under his paper bag, frowned before you felt an arm go under your knees. You wrapped your arms around his neck as Dr. Slug held your crutches. Dr. Slug carried you into the lab as Sandy followed loyally. Dr. Slug, placing your crutches against the counter, placed you on the counter.

You felt Dr. Slug holding your hands, thanks to his red rubber gloves, before feeling them on your lap. "(Y/n), please don't make me ask the dog what happened." Dr. Slug asked. "M..my parents... th..they went to far this t..time..." You answered nervously.

Dr. Slug's goggles widened before he let go of your hands and placed his hands on your thighs. Since he placed you on the counter, he was (already) a head taller than you. You heard paper, but couldn't see Dr. Slug taking off his paper bag mask.

Sandy was laying down before seeing Swap!Bellona. Sandy growled before trotting to a button and pressing it. The lab doors shut before Dr. Slug placed his hand on your cheek. "Is.. is it ok that I take off these bandages?" Dr. Slug asked. You nodded before feeling the bandages unravel slowly.

Dr. Slug eventually got to see your grey eyes, that seemed lost themselves. "Oh... oh God." Dr. Slug muttered as Sandy trotted over and laid down under the counter. You perked before feeling a pair of lips on yours. Your cheeks was red before you hesitantly wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

Dr. Slug moved his hands to your sides as the kiss deepened. Sandy's tail was wagging as (he/she) laid her head on her paws. You both pulled away slightly before Dr. Slug smiled. "I love you (y/n)." Dr. Slug whispered. "I love you too." You replied before feeling Dr. Slug kissing your cheek. Sandy fell asleep as you both just enjoyed being alone. (No lemon, sinners. Just fluffy cuddles.)

Emily: I kinda got the idea from the song "I'll be the light."

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