• Fighting •

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~Taehyungs POV~

Jungkook chased me down the hallway. Its been a week since I talked to him. I see (Y/N) at her locker and decide to confront Jungkook about how screwed up his stunt was. It was mainly to show off in front of (Y/N). "Jungkook! You want me to forgive you? What's one thing you NEVER want taken away from you?" Jungkook glances over then looks down. "...(Y/N)..." He answers quietly. I push him and yell. "DO YOU KNOW HOW SCREWED UP THAT WAS!? YOU DISTRACTED ME JUST SO YOU COULD KISS (Y/N)!!! I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIEND! ... friend don't do that to each other." I walk off before he had a chance to respond. I can't believe I did that!


~(Y/N) POV~

I can't believe he did that! I don't know whether to feel flattered that they both want me, or to feel offended that they think they can claim me. I chase after Taehyung. "Tae! I'm sorry!" I say as tears run down my cheeks. He stops and runs to me when he sees my tears. "(Y/N)? Who did it? Who made you cry?" He asks me, he sounds like he's being sarcastic. I hit his chest. "You know you did!" I yell and slide down the wall, crying even more. Tae looks down at me. "Doesn't feel food, does it?" He asks, then walks off and I don't see him for the rest  of the day.


~Sugas POV~

I watch Taehyung and (Y/N), just like Namjoon asked. I actually feel bad for (Y/N)... I've never seen anyone so sad... I just wanna snuggle her and make her feel better. I go find Jungkook. It night make things worse, but at least (Y/N) won't look so sad.


~(Y/N) POV~

As I was crying, I notice 2 boys sit beside me and they both hug me tightly. They both just sit there me, in complete silence, until the bell rings. They help me up. "Gotta go to class. Bye (Y/N)!" Suga hugs me 1 more time before going to class. Jungkook holds me a little longer and wipes my tears away. "Don't waste your tears on him, (Y/N). He's not worth it." He kisses my head and goes to class.

~After School~

I walk into detention with Jungkook. Since we are the same age, we have some classes together and got detention for disrupting class. 


Jungkook was talking to me and the teacher yelled "Jungkook! Why are you talking during my lesson?" His face turned pink and he looked down, clearly embarrassed.  I cross my arms. "Why are you teaching during our conversation?" I ask, causing everyone in class to laugh. "DE-" I put my hand up as if I was telling him to stop. "I know, I know," I squint my eyes, start shaking, and use a really dumb old lady accent. "DETENTION!" I yell as I point at Mr.Min. Jungkook giggles. "Oh you think that's funny now do ya? YO-" Jungkook squints his eyes, shakes, and makes a voice like I did. "YOU HAVE DETENTION TOO!" This time the whole class giggles.  Mr.Min points to the door and me and Jungkook exit, still giggling.

~Flashback Over~

Taehyung rolls his eyes when he sees us walk through the door laughing. Tae motions for me to walk over to him. When I do, he pulls me on his lap and won't let go. 2 girls walked in, Molly and Holly, Chinese girls that lived I America for most of their life. They moved here last year and were mean to ANYONE that got in the way of what they wanted. "Wow (Y/N)! 3 boys in a day! How will I ever beat your record?" Taehyung kisses my lips. "She only has 1 person  on that record. Me!" He says before kissing me again. Jungkook looks mad and grabs my arm. "No. She's mine. I'm not the one that made her cry! Why should she be with someone that hurts her?" They argued over me the whole time, sometimes they'd pull on my arms, sometimes they'd kiss me, but they mainly kept claiming me. I ran home as soon as detention ended. "I CAN'T HANDLE ANYMORE FIGHTING!!'

Word count: 717 words

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