• (Not) Packing •

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~(Y/N) POV~

"(Y/N)~ get up. We gotta go to school." Jungkook whines. I sit up and look at him. "I've gotta pack. I'm going back to America, remember?" He shakes his Head. "No. You're going to school. You're 18, right? You have a choice." I cross my arms "Then I chose to go back home!" He rolls over on top of me, holding my hands above my head. "Then I'll make you wanna stay." he says, crashing his lips onto mine.

~Yoongi POV~

so she is 18? No, she can't be! After everything I did... Could her grandmother have lied to me? No, there's no way! Well...I did make (Y/N) wanna go back to America, which is what her grandmother wanted. When I was trying to tell her that I didn't want her, I had a hard time lying to myself! I really want her, but after everything that happened, I know she'll never feel the same way. I'm so sorry (Y/N). I walked past her room and hear her moan. I stop and listen at the door. "Kookie~ stop! You're gonna leave a Hicky! I don't enough makeup to cover it up." "Then don't cover it. Show everyone that you're mine." ...that hurt me... Really badly. I never thought that she could move on that fast. I know we weren't together, but it seemed like she wanted to be with me. I thought she loved me...

~Taehyung POV~

I DECIDED! Lauren loves Jimin, I can see that, but (Y/N) hasn't been with Yoongi so I think I have a chance. I start up the stairs, but Yoongi puts his hand on my chest, stopping me. "Don't go up there. Unless you Want your heart broke." I could tell he was crying, then I seen why. (Y/N) came downstairs, covering her neck. "Lauren? Can I borrow some of your makeup?" She asks, avoiding eye contact with everyone. "Sure." Lauren answers, leading (Y/N) back upstairs. 'Why was she covering her neck? I know that whatever she's doing that for, is the reason Yoongi was crying. I've gotta find out!' I thought before sneaking upstairs and listening to the girls.

~Lauren POV~

"Why do you need to borrow my makeup?" I ask, noticing she won't look at me. She slowly moves her hand, showing me the marks. "I don't have enough to cover them." Her face turned dark red, so I knew she was embarrassed. "Jungkook took the little bit of makeup I had left because he wants me to let everyone see that I'm his..." She trailed off. I don't even know what to think right now. My best friend, the most shy and awkward person in the world, needs makeup for something like THIS. (I don't really know what she would think, so yeeeaaah) "Uhh, Lauren?" (Y/N) asks, bringing me back to reality. "Huh? Oh! Right, the makeup. Here let me help." I say as I put the makeup on her neck, coving the marks. "There! Just make sure it doesn't come off." I warn as we start to leave the bathroom.

~Taehyung POV~

I can't believe it... She let Jungkook leave marks on her, but she doesn't even let me kiss her anymore. It hurt so much, but I don't wanna loose her like I did my last girlfriend. She's not mine YET.

~(Y/N) POVE~

When I get downstairs, I hear Jungkook sigh. "I thought I took all your makeup?" I nod. "You did, but you didn't talk Laurens." I giggle, sticking my tongue out  at him. He walks over to me and puts his head by my ear. "Don't stick your tongue out unless you're gonna put it in my mouth, got it?" He smirked and walked away. I was at a complete Loss for words. Lauren laughed at me for how fumbled I was. "Let's get to school." She giggled, and we walked out the door.


"(Y/N)? What happened?" I look at Jin, confused. "What do you mean?" He rubs his hand across my neck. Uh oh! "Uh...um... I don't know?" It came out more as a question than a statement. "I know what it is, so don't play dumb! Who did it?" He asked, crossing his arms. Of course! One of the two people I NEVER wanna make mad! Jin and Namjoon, they are kinda like my parents by now. I don't EVER wanna make either of them mad. "um..." I make myself trip. "Oh my god, (Y/N)! Are you OK?" He asked, helping me up. I nod. "Yeah, I think so." He smiled. "Good. Now, who left the marks?" He asked again. I look down. "Jungkook" I mumble as I Walk in the house.

~Jin POV~

HOW COULD SHE LET SOMEONE DO THAT TO HER?! I know I'm not one of her parents, but I watch over her like one. She lost her mom and dad and she seemed so lost without them. Now she's well behaved and Namjoon and I act as her parents, so I guess I better tell Namjoon about the marks. He's not gonna be Happy. I decided to text him.


Jin: Hey
You almost home?
Namjoon: Yeah. I'll be there in 5
Jin: (Y/N) has marks on her neck and kept trying to avoid my question of who did it.
Namjoon: D*MN IT!
Jin: calm down.
I'm not gonna tell you now 😶
You'll kill him 😲
Jin: well...she let him...so I think she wanted him to.
It was Jungkook. I don't think he would've done it if she asked him to stop.
Namjoon: You're right. I'll tell to them when I get there 

~(Y/N) POV~

"Kookie~" I chime, looking in his room. He had his headphones in. I walk up and hug him from behind. "Ahh!" He screams, pushing me away. I fall down and giggle. "Oh! (Y/N)! Sorry..." He says, helping me up. I hug him again. This time he hugs me back. "What's this for?" He asks. "Making me wanna stay." I answer, before going back downstairs.

---Authors Note---
This chapter is... Um... Kinda like the last one? Sorry...I've been reading A LOT of smuts and this is just how the chapters keep coming out. I'll try to make the next one normal. NO PROMISES THO! BYE!!! XX

Time: 12:13am

Date: Thursday, 07.20.17

Word count: 1,089 words

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