One: A Mystry Shack

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(Pretend that's a girl^^ credit to the owner, all I did was edit.)

Lighting the final candle I spoke the words to summon the triangle demon, a red book labeled with the number four tucked under my arm.

The sky darkened and the clouds swirled, wind speeds picking up enough to knock over just about any person, but then again, I'm not just any person. I leant against a tree and waited for the end of his dramatic entrance. The air in the middle of the circle cracked and swirling out came the yellow Dorito I had waited so long to see.

"Ah! Gravity falls!" He sighed, his voice sounding like a cheep filter. One of the ones you got for free when you bought a computer.

"Bill Cipher." I spoke, drawing his attention away from his reminiscing thoughts and to my relaxed form.

"Oh hello there! Your not from Gravity falls!" He floated forward and poked me with his cane. "No matter! I already know everythi- it's you."

"hm." A noise of thought came from my lips, a cocky smile only making the situation better. "You can go back now Bill."

I locked up a candle and examined it, watching as the wax ran down the sides but never made it to my hand without cooling off.

"I just wanted to say 'hi'," I looked up from the candle at into his one eye. "And that you've officially been discovered. Again."

Before he could respond I blew out the candle, forcing him back into the mindscape. I tossed the candle back on the ground, pulling out my own journal. A black book with a white eye shape in the middle, the infinite sign painted on in, again, black. This was a very special journal. It was my journal.

Nevertheless I kicked dirt over the candles and scribbled down some notes about the Dorito. I already knew quite a bit about him, but a few observations never hurt anyone. Unless you were observing a Thoqqua. Those nasty little buggers won't come out until you disturb them. Then they're not happy.

I closed my book and sighed, slipping the journal into my shoulder bag. I shoved my hands in my pockets and set off once again, walking through the woods in the direction I assumed I came from.

It shouldn't have been a long walk since it only took me ten minute to get where I was. But then again, nothing quite works in my favor. Alas, I was lost once again.

But thankfully I came upon a clearing. I sighed in relief as a shack came into view. 'Mystery Hack?'  Ohhh. Mystery Shack. I see that sneaky S that tried to escape its job. Much like how I'm trying to escape this Forrest.

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I had walked all night long, and probably sleepwalked halfway here. I groaned and shook my head, gathering up enough energy to make it through the day.

I shoved my hands in my pockets once again before taking long steps to the shack. There were no customers, but the sign read 'Open!'. I pushed the door open slowly, almost wincing as the jingle of the wind chime alerted any people.

A sleeping red-head was leant back by the register, and a large boy with a question mark shirt swept an aisle infront of me. Not wanting to wake up the sleeping girl, I cautiously walked over to Question Mark.

"Um, excuse me?" I tapped his shoulder and he turned around. "Uh hi, see, I'm directionally challenged and I uh, was wondering if you might have a map?"

"Oh yeah! Right this way little dude!" I followed him to a rack of folded up maps, the only problem was that they were from every part of the world but Gravity Falls. Question Mark picked up a map that was laying on the bottom, and blew if the dust. "Here you go. By the way, my names Soos."

I shook his hand with a smile. "Nice to meet you, I'm Aero."

"Your not from Gravity Falls are you?" He asked.

"Ah, no, I'm not.." I scratched the back of my head awkwardly. "Is it that obvious?"

"Kinda." He shrugged. "We don't get to May new comers here."

I nodded in understanding. My eyes wandered from Question Mark and scanned the rest of the shop.

"Well it was nice meeting you Soos, I'm gunna look around some before leaving." I have an awkward smile and he nodded.

"No problem dude," he patted my back. "Your pretty cool. We should like, totally hang out sometime. My friends would love you."

"Sounds cool." With one last smile I turned from him, walking down an aisle with rows of different taxidermy, clearly all fake.

I huffed. How was I supposed to find real monsters to put in my book when there's fakes everywhere? A garden nome caught my attention and I booped its nose, grumbling to myself about how the nomes on Enil looked nothing like that one.

I must have gotten distracted or something, because the next thing I know I've tripped. I caught my fall and landed on my hands and knees, effectively scraping one of them. I winced as I heard my bag hit the deck and spill out. I cracked one hand eye open to look at the damage but I was instead met with a cringed face and fluffy brown hair. I immediately sat up.

"I-I'm so sorry! I'm so clumsy I wasn't looking where I was going and then I turned the corner and-and-"

"It's alright!" The boy sat up as well and rubbed his head, his nervous chuckle ringing in my ears.

"Are you okay?" I asked, gingerly reaching out to touch the spot of his head where it had met the floor.

"Y-yeah I'm fine!" I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and rubbed a hand over my face as he began to pick up his own stuff, a pile of papers that had scattered.

I leant down and quickly shoved my book back in my bag, not daring to show it's contents.

"I-I'm so sorry, I guess I got distracted." I picked up my last pencil and shoved it in my pocket, then I began to help the boy pick up his papers.

"It's my fault too, I wasn't looking where I was going." I winced as I handed him the papers, an apologetic and shy smile making itself shown. "I'm Dipper by the way,"

Dipper fixed his hat and held his hand out to me, which I shook before handing him the papers. "Aero."


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