Six: A Mystery Rock 2.5

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(When your to lazy to edit a picture so you just post it XD that's Aero sorta. Just use your IIIMMMAAAGGIINNAATTION~
And yes, I'm aware it's a dude. Just, use it as a ref pic bc I can't find shit. It's her hair down.)

         I don't think Pine tree believed me when I said we were going to find a rock. That, or he didn't see the adventure in it. It was also kind of irritating me how down he he acted.

"Quit your moping, were almost there." I huffed, tugging on his hand.

"Well if you hadn't gotten us lost six times, I wouldn't have to hold your hand and drag you the whole way." I huffed and took a sip of my coffee, something we picked up before we started our adventure.

"You don't have to do anything." I swung our intertwined hands back and forth a dramatically, earring another glare. "Getting lost is part of the adventure~"

"No, it is not." He took a sip of his drink as well, and I shook my hand out of his to open my journal. "And how do you always open that thing to the page your looking for on the first try?"

I flipped the book open to the middle in my free hand, a map I drew covering the two pages. I hummed and smiled at him.

"Is that your question for today?" I got a glare from him and chuckled. "I'll take that as a yes."

"See, this book is enchanted. All I gotta do is open it while thinking of what I'm looking for and it helps me to that page. It's really convenient."

"Wow, how many things do you have documented in there?" He asked, a new excitement in his eyes.

"That, my friend," I walked backwards, shutting the book and shoving it back into my bag while sipping my coffee. "Is a- oof."

Pine tree laughed as I fell backwards onto my back, spilling what was left of my coffee and messing up my hair. I sat up and took my hair from its bun, ruffling it to get the twigs and dirt out. I then ran my fingers through it to try and straighten the white locks. It wasn't working so I just shook my hair out and left it, not really caring. I looked up at Pine tree who was done laughing and was just watching me, a faraway look in his eye.

"Well, seems like a good place to take a break." Pine tree blinked and looked at me, a smile gracing his lips.

"Did you bring snacks? All I brought was adventure-stuff." He asked as he sat next to me, fixing his hat.

"Uh, I prolly have something." I pulled my bag into my lap and searched through it, nearly falling in before I found the large cylinder canister. "Here we go."

"Wha- how? Your bag-" Pine tree was astounded at the torso sized canister I piled from the small bag.

"Ya know Dipper," I smiled at him. "Sometimes it's better to just not ask questions."

He shut his mouth after that and just shook his head disbelievingly. I set the canister on the ground and stood up, leaning over the top to the pin pad on the top. I punched in a few numbers and a lock clicked. I twisted the top and it popped off, wisps of cool fog floating out. I set the top down and reached inside, pulling a purple fruit out and handing it to Pine tree.

"A purple apple?" He questioned, and I shook my head.

"No, it's a Venklem." I pulled out a small clear container that held a yellow dried fruit the same shape and size as a bouncy ball. "You just take a bite and eat the inside, then spit out the peel. There's a large pit on the inside, and if you break it open you can eat the seeds. But uh, be careful eating that. It's messy."

I sealed the canister back up and shoved it back in my bag, Pine tree watching with big eyes. I only laughed at him.

A few minutes later I had finished my snack and Pine Tree was taking his time trying to handle the otherworldly fruit. I groaned and got up, smacking the rest of the fruit from his hand and pulling him up.

"Hurry up, your so slow." I huffed, having my hands in my pockets and walking forward.

Pine Tree made a face behind me but followed anyway, bumping into my back when I suddenly stopped. I bent down and lifted a large round rock, a giant hole boring into the ground beneath it.

"Whoa," Pine Tree blinked in amazement. "How are we gunna get down? Or back up?"

"Well, I don't k is about that last part." I raised a finger to emphasize my point. "But I've got an idea for the first part."

"Oh great." Pine Tree rolled his eyes. "Let me guess, jump down and not worry about it until we get there?"

"Yep." I smiled, only sparing a glance at the brunette boy before jumping down into the Abis.

It's funny how falling seems to slow down time. It sort of snaps everything else into focus. Take right now for instance. I'm falling (to what could very well be my death) so fast the walls looked blurred and yet it all seemed like it was slow motion.

I could feel the wind rush past me, feeling like gentle whips of cool silk. I could smell the earth, raw and prominent. I could see the walls, very detailed with the occasional root sticking out but blurred with speed. I could feel the tug of my clothes and the whip of my hair, but the only thing that seemed to bother me was the dim light I could see at the bottom-and what i was going to do once Pine tree got down here.

After that thought crossed my mind time sped up, and I had barely enough time to land ruffly. I sneezed and managed to catch a glimpse of blue flames dispersing from the area I landed. Each left as fast as they came, dispersing into the dark like lighting bugs. Fleeting.


"I'm good!"

A/n: *internally cries. *
Well I posed a Harry Potter story I'm working on so if your into yaoi you can check it out, although there isn't any strong yaoi untill then end. Lol not like it's finished.

1089 words and had to finish so here ya go!

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