Three: A Mystery Rock

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(That's 'jay'. Credit to the owner all I did was edit!)

       "Don't act like this is all my fault!"

"Well it is all your fault!"

"Your the one always running of in search of Adventure!"

"Your the one who follows me everywhere!"

"If I didn't you'd be dead by now!"

"Please! I traveled for years before I met you! I know how to handle myself!"

"Oh so that's why I'm always saving you from near death!"

"Death is just another adventure so technically your keeping me from my job!"

"Your job isn't to find adventure!"

I clenched my fists and glared at him.

"You know nothing about my job." My words spat like venom, each one poisoning my victim.

My victim in this case: Dejin. Aka: Jay.

I heard a sad sigh.

"Alright, I'm sorry okay?" Dejin ran a hand through his hair and pulled off his cap, exposing a pair of narly silver black horns protruding from his dark hair. "I just get worried about you. You wander off on some adventure and it's nearly impossible to find you."

I plopped down on a log. A huff escaped my lips, my hands rubbing the sleep off my face.

"Yeah. I'm sorry too. I just..." I pulled my bag into my lap, burying my head in it. "I get distracted."

It was quiet for awhile, until a aloud thump and the rumble of a familiar dragon came from infront of me. A snort of hot air blew on my head, and I peeked up to see Dejin as his dragon. He was huge and had silver-black, jagged and curly horns swirling from his head. Dejin is a Cross breed between a Silver and a Black dragon, and can change between his humanoid and dragon 'form' at will.

He nussled his huge head into me, effectively knocking me over. I sat up quickly and grabbed his mussel, pulling myself up and glaring into his sharp blue eyes.

"Oh so it's a wrestle you want! Well a wrestle you shall have!" I kept forward and pushed against Dejin's snout, having to stand on the log to reach him. 

A loud rumble resembling a laugh came from him, and I growled in protest. I tried to push his mussel into the ground, but no matter how hard I tried he simply would not budge. After a few more strenuous attempts to bring him down I grunted and flopped down on his head.

"I'm to tired to win." I yawned.

He grunted and turned his head, carrying me as he curled into as much of a ball he could. I hopped up quickly and stumbled into his saddle, a large leather circle with wavy guards.

It reminded me of the saddle on that flying bison in that show about a kid with an arrow on his head, but it was a tiny bit different. I crawled over to one of the rolls of padding and undid the strap that held it there, pulling out a blanket and a pillow. I set both items down and wiggled under the blanket, letting myself sleep at last.

~~timeskip brought to you because reality is an illusion~~

I woke up first, the sun just peaking through the trees. I yawned and rolled up my sleeping equipment, and strapping it back onto the saddle. Now your probably wondering: "HOW DID HE GET A SADDLE ON WHEN HE CHANGED?" And the answer is......


His saddle grows and shrinks with him, so if you were to look under his shirt while he wasn't a dragon your see a pair of wings and a small leather saddle between them. It's actually really cool. We got it from Planet Tinshee where they make all kinds of inventions with enchantments.


I slipped down off of Dejin and landed on the soft earth. I stretched, and made my way in the direction I believed let to the Mystery Shack. I think I established in the last two chapters that I'm directionally challenged and ADD. So naturally my journey to the Mystery Shack became my journey to the center of the earth, or rather to a strange formation to blue and purple crystals.

I pulled out my journal, quickly sketching a portion of the formation and scrubbing notes. I watched as a butterfly flew through one of the blue streams of light. It grew into a huge butterfly, the fact that it was still flying breaking this worlds physics. I gaped at it, setting down my book and tumbling after the giant bug. It flew though a pink light, shrinking again.

I sighed. Now it was no longer unique.

I trudged back to my book and plopped down, opening my bag and pulling out two sample jars. I pulled a small formation from the ground and pulled off small cap sized crystals. I put those in one jar, then took a dirt sample from where I pulled the crystal from.

I set the two jars down by my book and looked around. I spotted a small flat crystal and picked it up, Turing it over in my hands before placing it on my book.

I continued to scribble notes and conduct experiments, my mind in my own world. Well, I was, until a twig snapped behind me.

I whirled around, holding a pencil like a dagger. 1( pencils are deadly. 2( do not use your hair to express yourself. To my disappointment/relief, Pine Tree walked out of the shadows.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.


"A-aero! What are you doing here?"

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to comment and vote! Next chapter will be less character development and more mystery/action! I just needed to set some things up before anything could happen.

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