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My phone was ringing incessantly and I tried to ignore it assuming it was Davina or Parker but they didn't stop calling. "What" I said frustrated "now that's no way to answer the phone darling" I freeze hearing his voice "K Kol" "your truely" "why are you ringing me did something happen" "no no the opposite actually I believe you owe me a date to a night club" I laugh "your in Australia" "as a matter a fact yes weird right" "ok ok fine meet me the VIP section of The basement 9pm " "your giving me two hours darling how am I supposed to get ready" "I'm sure you will figure it out your Kol Mikealson after all" I hung up my heart beating fast. I sprint through the hotel room showering and getting ready making myself appropriate to see a guy I liked who I haven't seen in months.
Walking into the VIP section looking around practically skipping over to him the moment I see him. "Your late" "by two minutes" he grabs me pulling me to him "I have been trying to find you for three months" smiling my lips were instantly caught in a kiss. "Can we take this slow" "only if you would do me the honour of being my girlfriend" I gasp "I didn't know you did girlfriend" "for you anything" "well seeing as you have been looking for me and I have missed you yes" kissing him it quickly turned into a make out session between the two of us.
Days turned into weeks. Weeks turned into months. And months turned into years. Just Kol and I in utter bliss. It was euphoric. We had left Australia a month after we reunited going to Europe traveling around enjoying it being us and no drama. Kol was looking at his phone "what's wrong" "nothing" he instantly answers "come on Kol this is me your talking to and that's now the hundredth time you have checked your phone" I sip my coffee and look out at the view this little Italian cafe has its remarkable breathtaking. "Something's going on with Nik in New Orleans but I'm not getting a straight answer" "want me to try" "no no god no I want it to be a surprise" "ok then do you want to go there I mean if it's nothing we can always come back" I shrug "and I kinda miss your family" he got up and smiled "there's just one thing we have to do" I nod and follow him.
The drive was long I fell asleep during it. "Time to wake up princess" smiling when I hear his voice opening them and gasping at the view and walking towards it like it's a magnet.
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"I have been wanting to do this for sometime" he gets down on one knee in front of me causing me to gasp and my hands to go up to my out in shock tears come to my eyes but they don't come out. "From the moment I met you I knew there was something spectacular about you. They when you kissed me goodbye it drove me crazy I had never felt that way about anyone, I had to find no even if I had only been friends with you for two days it definitely made an impact...then I did find you in Australia you were breathtaking an angel here to collect souls and boy did you take mine" tears start to fall down my face "when I asked you to be my girlfriend that night it was the most nervous I had been in a thousand years but after that kiss I couldn't let you just leave again even if it meant completely loosing myself in the process you made me a better person just by accepting me...will you do me the honour of making me your husband" I nod unable to get any words out. Pushing my hand forward allowing him to put the ring on my finger. Admiring it for a second before launching myself into his arms giving him one long passionate Kiss. "At least now we have something truely surprising to tell them when we see them" I laugh admiring the ring again "I love it almost as much as I love you" kissing him again.
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