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PassionElliot: last night I found out that my best friend soul sister was killed because people in this world are so selfish that they couldn't leave a strong powerful 16 year old girl alone. She was everything fun loving spontaneous and so funny. She was the first to help and make you feel better the world will never be better without you no matter what anyone says.
Tears fall down my face as I stare at all the pictures of Davina and I. We had a blast we really did. I was her sister and she was mine. Someone walked into the room but I payed no mind to it focusing on the pictures. "Hey um I wanted to check if you were ok" Hayley's voice startled me. Looking up at her, she backs away making me aware that my eyes flashed there familiar blue. "Hayley I need you just leave me alone" she takes a deep breath and walks towards me, making me extremely nervous. I was scared of what I would do to her, scared I would hurt the baby. "No this is not good" she grabs one of the pictures making me growl and my teeth come out. She jumps back dropping the photo. Kol and Nik come in seeing me with my Canines out claws drawn and glowing blue eyes. "What did you do Hayley" Nik asks as Kol carefully walks towards me. "NNNothing just picked up a picture" "go we got this" Nik told her just as Kol grabs my hands. "Calm down Passion" I take a deep breath in and out until my claws and canines go back in. "I don't know why I did it please tell her I'm sorry" "everyone looses control at one point" Nik said to me making me relax a little. Nodding my head and taking a deep breath. "I have a surprise for you" I look at Kol confused and a smirking Nik who is shaking his head telling me he won't say. Holding Kols hand allowing him to lead me downstairs.
I froze I didn't expect this I really didn't. Snapping out of the shock I run over and hug the person like my life depended on it. "I missed you baby bro" "I missed you to sis" smiling at him "hey I'm here two" "Stiles" I groan looking at my brother "you had to bring him" "what he had the car" "feeling the love guys I really am" I laugh walking over and giving Stiles a hug "missed you to stiles" "how are you doing" I froze at Scotts question wondering whether to tell him I can't control it. How I almost went after Hayley. "I have been having trouble controlling it but I'm fine Kol and Nik help" I shrug but I can tell they don't believe I'm not fine "relax they won't let me kill anyone" "what can they do to stop a werewolf" Stiles whispers probably forgetting we can here him "a lot actually" Kol adds startling them causing me to sigh. Now I have to explain that. "There original vampires meaning first vampires ever created Niks a hybrid half vamp half who type A" I shrug like it's no big deal which it is to me. "You can relax if they wanted you dead you would be there quicker" I add walking over to Kol "you ok" he asks wrapping his arms around me "no but thank you for this" leaning up a kissing him "in case you didn't figure it out this is Kol my fiancé...the blondie over there is Nik" I point to Nik or Klaus who's standing in the doorway looking at something in the other room "blonde female around here is Rebekah and brunette is Hayley" smiling at them "where are you staying" "hotel couple streets away" I nod "want a tour" Nik laughs causing me to glare at him "you will get lost passion" "makes for more of an adventure and besides I will just follow your stench leading me back home" he glares at me causing me to laugh "joking I will call Kol you take care of baby Mumma" I walk out quickly dragging my brother and stiles behind me.