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"Good morning Kelly," Derek buzzed as I got into the car.

"Hi," I half grunted.

"Looks like someone's not in a good mood," he hushed.

"It's that hothead Grayson!" I exclaimed.

"Kelly," Derek started, "Grayson's my friend."

"Okay I'm sorry," I huffed, "but he told my dad my business. Nobody tells anybody else about my business. Plus it was literally one party. Why is this time so damn different?"

"Your dad lets you go to parties?" he asked.

"Yeah. Back then he was actually too busy to even care where I went. Just that I came back was his concern. Now he's literally freaking out over nothing," I clenched my fists.

I was just so annoyed at the fact that my dad wouldn't let me go. But more annoyed at the fact that Grayson took the liberty of telling my dad where I was going.

It was like he knew if he told my dad I was gonna listen instead of ignoring him like I did to Grayson.

"We're here," he said through the speaker & some sort of way was alerting me we had arrived at Grayson's home.

I saw him walk down the pathway leading up to his house & felt my blood boil. He opened the door & got inside & I scooted to the far end of the car.

"Morning Derek," he greeted.

"Morning," Derek greeted back.

"Morning Kelly," he greeted me. I gave him a glare & stared back outside the window.

The car ride was silent on account that I was still steamed. We eventually got to the gates of the school & I got out, slammed the door & stormed to my first lecture.

"Kelly!" I heard Grayson's voice storm behind me. I stopped & turned around with crossed arms.

"What?" I spat & glared at him.

"Why are you so mad? Is your mom? Your dad? Irene?" he asked.

"Don't you dare blame Irene on any of this when clearly it was your fault," I pointed to him & started walking away.

"Kelly I had to tell your dad," he tried to catch up with me, "I knew if I told him then you wouldn't be putting yourself in danger."

"You did the one thing that betrays my trust Grayson. You told someone else my business. My business is my business & I don't understand why you thought I'd be putting myself in danger for going out," I grunted, "now if you'll excuse me I need to use the bathroom," I shoved my books into his chest to hold & walked inside.

I walked up to the mirror & stared at myself for a while. I looked so angry & so tired this wasn't good for me. But I was just so mad.

I heard a flush & Alaine emerged from a stall. She came up next to me & washed her hands as she smiled at me.

"Hi Kelly," she greeted cheerfully.

"Hi Alaine," I tried to force a smile.

"We really missed you last night. It was lit," she chuckled.

"Yeah sorry I got into things I couldn't get out of," I shrugged nervously.

"Well this other really hot guy Cole is having a party next weekend & we went to high school together & I can tell you it's gonna be sick so you're my plus one," she chuckled & pointed at me.

"Thanks Alaine," I chuckled, "just text me where it is & I'll meet you there alright."

"Yeah alright," she nodded & I left the bathroom. I took one look at Grayson, gave him a smile & got my books.

"Thanks. Now we don't wanna be late for Calculus do we," I said cheerfully.

Ain't no way Grayson finding out about this one.

The Bodyguard - g.dWhere stories live. Discover now