Chapter idk. Im tired

571 6 14

America POV
"Leave." I tried to feign being calm
"No. Please just listen to me." With the word 'please' coming out of Clarkson's mouth I openly started howling.
"Excuse me. I'm not sure if I heard you correctly. Did you actually say please?" I managed to say that somehow without sounding like a bitch (at least I hope that I did).
"America." He stared directly into my eyes without the slightest hint of aggression or hatred.
"Oh. OH. You're serious." My eyes widened; I gestured to the table by my window. " Please, by all means Your Majesty, have a seat. " I sat beside him, shifting nervously.
"Look. I know you might not want to but uh..." I bit back my anger because even Clarkson of all people deserved to be cut some slack after being in a coma.

"Wouldyouacceptmyappologyforbeing the worstfatheronthefaceoftheplant?" He blurted out all at once.
"Huh... I didn't get that" I said seriously
"America. If I even have the right to call you that. I am so sincerely sorry for the trouble I have caused for you. " I smiled sadly at him.
"Have you spoken to Maxon about this?"
Clarkson smiled to himself. "He actually told me to talk to you. I didn't see it at the time and I always tried to ignore how much my son loves you."
I stood up with tears in my eyes. "Hey. Clarkson?"
"Could I call you dad?"
His eyes welled up " I don't see why not."
I ran up to him and wrapped him in a hug. "That's all I've ever wanted from you for longer than you even know."
He was taken aback for a moment but hugged me back none the less.
"You're exactly what this kingdom needs as a queen. Your marriage to my son has my blessing."
I stood there absolutely dumbfounded. Clarkson held his arm out for me. I took it. "We have to get to dinner, my dear." I smiled to myself again.
"Like father like son."
"What was that?"
"Nothing. "
Everything was perfect. Of course that could never last long.
Well that was short. And really really sappy. What do you think is going to happen to our favorite girl now? Shoutout to the user lelias2005 who inspired me to write this! I hope you like it!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2017 ⏰

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