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   You woke up to your deafening alarm clock. You sat up and and rubbed your eyes still feeling groggy. You got up and brushed your (h/c) (h/l) hair and started to get into your uniform.
I hate this, you thought. You never really liked the uniform you were forced to wear but you bore it and wore it.
"(Y/N)!! You're going to be late if you don't get your ass down here!" Yelled your older brother Rei. He was your only family. Your parents were gone. You never exactly knew what happened to them. Rei knew. But he never told you. He acted mean sometimes but in reality he was kind and caring and worried so much about you.
"Yeah yeah I'm coming" you called back at him.
"Hey Rei. I'm gonna be late coming home today, I decided to become the manager of the boys volleyball team" you told him "what?! Boys?! No way" he snapped "don't be like that. They're really nice. They wouldn't hurt me" you told him "are you the only girl there?" He asked "no there's Yachi and Shimizu" you explained. He sighed, "alright but if any of them hurt you, you come straight to me" he stated "ok" you said looking down. "(Y/N), are you okay" Rei asked, you shrugged. He put his hand on your shoulder "high school huh?" You looked up at him "I remember those days" he chuckled "it'll get better (Y/N)..... I promise" You said goodbye to your brother and headed on your way.

You were usually kind and sweet to other people, but deep down, something was always troubling you. You were kinda different from all the other students at Karasuno high school, you were tall and strong, people usually wanted to be your friend, but at the same time knew not to mess with you.

You continued walking down the path to get to your destination. You started to feel kind of uneasy. Like something was watching you. You turned around but saw no one. You started walking again and heard footsteps, you turned around a second time but still saw no one. You decided to pick up the pace and still heard the footsteps. Now you started running. The footsteps quickened and chased you but you still couldn't see anyone behind you. You kept running until you couldn't run anymore and stopped to catch your breath. You didn't hear the footsteps anymore until you felt someone grab your shoulder! You gasped.

"Boo!" The stranger said, you turned around and breathed a sigh of relief "Damnit Hinata don't do that!" You yelled playfully "guess I gotcha there (Y/N)" the orange haired boy laughed at you "yeah whatever lets go or we'll be late for class" you said grabbing him by the wrist. His cheeks started to flush from your touch. You looked at him and happened to see the red in his cheeks. "You okay Hinata-Kun?" You asked "oh...um...yeah, I'm good" he said hiding his face.

During class, you sat next to Hinata as always. You didn't talk much during class but you would occasionally look at him and laugh at something. He was your best friend. You couldn't imagine anyone else being your best friend other then him. You knew each other back in middle school. You helped him become the good player he is all threw the years. You never quit on him and he never quit on you.

~~Time Skip~~

"Ready Hinata?" You asked as the perky boy packed up his things. "Yeah" he said skipping towards you. You both walked side by side to the gym. When you got in. All the boys started praising you (especially Nishinoya and Tanaka) and Hinata always seemed a little down when that happened. You took your place next to Shimizu and Yachi and watched them practice. All three of you were talking about the players and their skills. As you were watching. One player caught your eye. Kageyama. You never really noticed before. You kept track of his movements. He was so skilled and fast. I never thought of him in this way you thought. After practice you decided to work up the courage and talk to him.

"Uh, h-hi Kageyama" you mustered. He looked down at you "hey" he said "um, you did really well in practice today" you said blushing. He blushed too "t-thanks" he said "so um. Do you think you could... show me, how to set?" You asked "but (Y/N), I thought you knew how to play volleyball?" He asked "yeah but I'm an Outside Hitter and I don't know much about setting" you told him "I guess I can" he said blushing "thanks!" You smiled cheerfully "hey (Y/N), ready to go?" Hinata asked running up to you. "Oh um Hinata. Actually I'm gonna hang back for a bit. I'll see you later" you said waving to him. Hinata waved back and walked away looking at his feet.
"Is he okay?" Asked Kageyama "probably" you said not even thinking about it.

Hinata walked home by himself thinking what was she doing, why didn't she walk home with me?! Why was Kageyama there. He stopped in his tracks. Kageyama. What could he want with her?........... I'll find out.

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