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As you sat on your bed, all you did was stare at the floor. My little Hinata, killed my friend, to be with me? Why? What's so special about me?
"(Y/N)!" Your thoughts were interrupted by your brother calling you. You walked down stairs with a blank and shocked expression on your face. "Woah are you dead or something?" Rei asked taking off his shoes "Rei, what's that word that's used to describe someone who would do anything to be with someone? Maybe even kill?" You asked. Rei was a little surprised by your question "hm, I think the word you are looking for is yandere, why?" He asked "just..... wondering" and with that, you trudged back to your room. "Hey aren't you hungry?!" Rei called after you "No!" You called back shutting your bedroom door. Yandere huh?

You were scared to go back to school tomorrow. What would Hinata do? You needed protection. You picked up your phone and dialed the first person that came to mind. "Hi Kageyama, are you busy?"

"Hey (Y/N), no I'm not busy"

"Good, can I ask a favor of you?"

"Uh, sure?

"Okay, can you protect me from Hinata tomorrow?"

"...uh...... what?"

"I said can you protect me from Hinata"


"I think he might be a yandere"

"Seriously? How do you know?"

"He said he'll do anything to keep me as his and he pretty much hinted that he killed Makoto"

"Wait what!? We need to tell the police!"

"No! No police! Trust me, it's better that way"

"Uh.... okay... I don't see how though.."

"So can you help me?"

"I'll try to the best of my ability"

"Really? Thank you so much!"

"Yeah, but if Hinata really is what you say he is and hurts someone or even you I'm calling the authorities"

"He won't hurt me. I'm much taller and stronger then he is..... I think"

"Then why do you need me?"

"Because..... I don't really know what he's capable of"

"Well that's comforting"

"Shut up I know!........ but again....... thanks"


You hung up on Kageyama and looked up at the ceiling. You smiled to yourself I'll be okay You thought, but you still felt kinda worried and somewhat betrayed. Hinata Shoyo, a yandere, how could that be.


Well this was short. I'll try to update frequently. This book isn't that popular yet and I'm sure no one cares but just wanted to tell you guys.

Don't forget to like this chapter!


Let Me Be Your One And Only {Yandere! Hinata Shoyo x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now