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Hinata packed everything necessary in his backpack. today's the day! He thought while he smirked to himself. He put in his bag duck tape, rope, a bat, and some drugs. He threw the bag over his shoulder and walked out of the house with a skip in his step. Today (Y/N) will be mine.

You stared at yourself in the mirror and frowned. You didn't sleep much last night. Just as you were about to pick up your bag and leave, your brother called you. "I'm coming Rei give me a moment!" You called down to him. You ran down the stairs and your brother gave you a smile. "There's something I wanted to discuss with you Okay" Rei said packing his books, "I'm gonna be gone for a few days". Your jaw dropped, "you what?!" You asked widening your eyes, "My college team is going on a retreat, we'll be playing In the spring finals as well. I have to go" Rei said giving you a solemn look, "but Rei! You don't understand I need you to-" you cut yourself off. You didn't want your brother knowing about your current situation with Hinata. You bit your lip and tilted your head down. "What?What is it (Y/N)?" Rei asked you concerned. "It's nothing important. Just go" you said walking away slowly. Rei was going to say something but just let it go.

You walked by yourself to school dragging your feet. You entered the gym mumbling to yourself. Stupid Rei, Stupid Hinata, Stupi-.... you snapped yourself out of your thoughts when you noticed that no one was in the gym. "What the hell? Where is everyone?". You looked all around the gym until your eyes met those of a shorter individual. You froze. He smiled.

You couldn't move. You wanted to run but it seemed as if your legs wouldn't do it. All you did was stand there petrified. Hinata was standing there, a sickening grin crept upon his face as he stared at you. In his hands, were duck tape and rope. On his body, were splatters of fresh blood.

"Oh there you are~" he purred tightening his grip around the rope, "I was thinking you'd never show up". You sized him up and down trying to figure out what he would do. You could only come to the conclusion that it wasn't good. "W.... who's blood is that?" You said trying to sound as strong as possible, "hm? Oh this?! Just the blood of an annoying person. He won't be a problem anymore. I took care of him!" Hinata stated proudly. You clenched your fist, "who's blood is it Hinata?" You demanded. His smile faded and he sighed, "if you must know, it's Nishinoya's". Your heart sank, you tried to recall at least a faint image of the libero's face. Tears spilled down your cheeks, "I'm sorry Noya, so so sorry!" You cried dropping to your knees. Hinata walked up to you and wiped the tears from your eyes "it's okay, he was only an obstacle". Your eyes widened and your cries stopped, you stood up and extended your arm outward and perfectly punched Hinata in the jaw. He toppled over onto the ground clutching his mouth. "Just an obstacle?! You fucking killed him you psycho!! Stay the fuck away from me!!!" You screamed. Hinata's smile formed back on his face, "oh~ so that's how it's gonna be huh?" He said in a husky voice, "well, I can play that game too". Hinata pulled his leg back and kicked you out from under your feet and you went crashing to the ground. Hinata climbed on top of you and help your wrists down. You freaked and Kicked up kneeing him in the stomach. He draped his arms around his abdomen allowing you to escape out from under him.

You ran as fast as you could away from Hinata. You ran out of the schoolyard and past coach Ukai's store until you came to a dark alley way.

You glanced behind and a small wave of relief washed over you. Hinata wasn't behind you. But for how long?

Turning back to the alley, you ran down the dark path and hid behind a dumpster. You slid down and hugged your knees tight. "I.... I need to get out of here.... or.... call the police...". A small sob escaped your lips but you quickly covered your mouth as you heard footsteps approaching you.

The footsteps would stop randomly but then pick back up. You didn't know wether or not the person was Hinata until you heard that damned voice. "I know you're here~".

You managed to squeeze yourself into the small space between the alley wall and the dumpster. "Come on (Y/N) it doesn't have to be like this! Just come with me and everything will be okay. I'd never hurt you my love!". You could tell he was walking further down the alley way which you took as a opportunity to crawl out from the other side of the small space you were in.

"I will find you you know". Slowly getting up, you took a step backwards in an attempt to escape the alley way without Hinata hearing you behind him. Unfortunately, luck was not on your side. You ended up stepping on a soda can sending an echo throughout the alley walls. Hinata stopped in his tracks and you felt your heart stop. "There you are~".

You turned on your heel and tried to run as fast as you could, but the small spiker had found his motivation and was able to catch up to you as soon as you took three steps. Grabbing onto your jacket sleeve, Hinata spun you around and slammed you as hard as he could into the wall.

Your head spun from the sudden impact, but you could easily make out Hinata's cynical smile, and a sharp pain in the side of your neck.

All too quickly, your world had gone black.

So I posted this anyway because it got to 500 views and I figured what the hell. Anyway, be sure to Like, share, comment, etc. it always means the world to me!

Stay salty my friends.


Let Me Be Your One And Only {Yandere! Hinata Shoyo x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now