Chapter 2

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The Assassin||Nathan Pereira
Chapter 2

  I got up to see a cup of tea near the bed. My husband set up another bed at in the corner since we could not share the bed. My feet were paralysed. My Husband helped me up, nothing like sitting in the balcony and looking at the sunrise with a cup of jasmine tea. My husband sat besides me and we were talking about the old grand daughter wanted to know how we met. But after all this is All a part of the story of my life, A very long story. She'll probably get bored but she'll know the value of life. The Song Dynasty Declined, Peking was now under the rule of the Mongols. Soon Wudang mountain was going to be a part of the Mongolian empire, Peking was renamed Khan baliq.

I was feeling that something was going to happen, something that I asked for all these years. But I don't know what this feeling is. I went back to resting as I opened my German notebook and waited anxiously for my grand daughter to arrive. Talking about German, I translated many biblical and Quranic stories from German to Mandarin.

  I heard the gong ring at the main door. A servant of mine came running up and said, "your Son is here."

She smiled at me. She knew how important today was. And she was set for everything. My grand daughter arrived. As they were all chatting in the Tea room, I heard my son ask his father

"Where is ma?"

After that dead silence took place, I couldn't hear anything. They entered my room as their tears were about to run down their cheeks. I smiled at them, "Hi, ma."

"Hi." I replied.

"Shuya's Grown so tall and look at Ziyi pretty as ever."

Ziyi was my daughter in law, "I use all the herbs you tell me to use that's why I am pretty, ma." Ziyi replied.

I chuckle. "I need to tell Shuya, the story I was going to tell her, remember?"

"Yes, we will leave." They smiled and left the room. Shuya was sitting next to me. What a quiet falcon she was, never spoke, until spoken too.

I sit up .

"Remember that story, I was going to tell you?"

"Yes, your childhood one."
I smile.

"You promised me you'd tell me soon."

"Yes, and today is your lucky day."

She smiled. How precious is a smile. A beggar's smile was always the best. When ever I gave some money, they would bless me and smile.

My story begins from my birth to the time my life came to peace and solitude.

Burgundy, Welf dynasty (France)

My parents were poor, they lived in a rented house when I was in my mothers womb. Troops from Rome and Cologne came and destroyed the Christian churches, mosques and fire temples. They converted these places to cathedrals and so did the Welf dynasty Expand. The reign of Henry the lion, father Of king Otto IV was ruthless. Killing all those who did not claim Jesus was the son of God and Mary his virgin Mother.

  Some Germanic tribes caused the Welf dynasty to slowly decline. But pope Innocent the second had trained militia and bowman, he had all the tribal villages burnt to the ground, pope Innocent II ,in return asked for Henry the lion's son. His son was to become the king of the Holy Roman Empire. My mother belonged to Cologne (in Germany) and father belonged to Provence (in France). My mother often suffered from pneumonia, which made her weak. Father was trying his best in getting a job good enough to support us, he was a carpenter .

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2017 ⏰

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