Chapter 41 [The End]

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I woke up in the morning and there was no sign of Vic. Oh god, he was leaving me before we even got to the altar. I blinked my eyes a few times and realized there was a post-it note stuck to my forehead. Well, time to read my death sentence.

“R – went to rent a tux. Be back before breakfast. XOXO, V”

OH THANK ALL THE GODS; I got up to shower and when I got out, I wrapped myself in a towel and went back into the room. Vic was lying on the bed watching TV, he looked over and me and smiled.

“Are you ready for this day?” he asked.

“Bitch, I’ve been ready since the first time I ever heard one of your songs at Warped tour all those damn years ago” I told him.

“But I thought you said you hated us when you first heard us?”

“I was lying because I didn’t think it was okay for me to listen to heavier stuff, I was barely eighteen. Now I know better”

I went over to my travel bag and he whistled when I dropped my towel. I smirked at him and got dressed.

“Easy captain horn dog, save it for tonight” I winked.

“I found us a legit little place for the wedding. It doesn’t smell, it’s not dusty, and they actually have a nice staff. Our appointment is in a few hours, til then I figured we could go site-seeing,” he told me with a smile.

“What sites are there to see in Vegas?”

“Good point” he replied.

My stomach grumbled loudly and he laughed.

“Or we could go out for lunch” he smiled.

He took my hand in his and we left the hotel room. We hollered for a taxi and asked the driver for recommendations on where we should eat. He drove us to this sushi restaurant and I was excited. Vic knows how I would eat sushi all day, every day if I could so when we got our table he let me order as much as I wanted. After lunch we went back to the hotel to get our outfits for the wedding.

“So are we spending our honey moon in Vegas?” I asked in the car on the way to the chapel.

“We couldn’t even figure out how to spend half a day here, you think we could manage two weeks? No, we’re going to Hawaii”

“MOTHER OF GOD” I squealed and tackled him flat to the back seat. I kissed him and the driver of the car put up the screen separating us from him.

“I love you,” I cooed.

“I love you too,” Vic purred.

When we got to the chapel, we checked in and a couple of their girls actually helped me get ready. Vic really did do a good job picking this place. It felt so wrong not having Cass here because I was her Maid of Honor but she couldn’t be mine. She was right though; a big fancy wedding had never been in the cards for me. I took to my spot to get ready to walk down the aisle, I was a bundle of nerves but Vic and I love each other more than words can describe, this is right. I walked down and saw him standing there looking perfectly polished and all mine. The ceremony was quick, within fifteen minutes we heard “you may now kiss the bride”

Vic grabbed my hips, pulled me in and crashed his lips to mine. He was smiling throughout the kiss and so was I. We immediately rushed out of the chapel and into the car that was waiting to take us back to the hotel. We dropped Vic’s tux off at the rental place before packing our bags to fly home. We were sitting in the airport and Vic kept whispering dirty things in my ear.

“I can’t wait until we get home, Mrs. Fuentes,” he purred “I am gonna lay you down and own you”

“Vic, stop, I’m getting… just wait” I moaned.

“There’s no rule against us having a little fun on the plane” he cooed, rubbing his hand along my thigh. I tried not to moan. Thankfully they called our flight for boarding and I sprang up, rushing to the check in counter. We were in first class again and Vic still kept trying to convince me to join the Mile High Club.

“I don’t want our first time as husband and wife to be in a plane,” I scolded.

“I do,” he said cheekily.

“God why are you so horny today?” I whispered.

“Because I’m married to the prettiest girl to ever pretty,” he cooed.

“We’re almost home, I swear it’ll be worth it,” I told him.

When we landed, we grabbed our stuff from baggage claim and went home. I half expected Cass and Ronnie to be waiting there but I realized they’re still off on their own honeymoon. Inside the house I didn’t even have a chance to get a class of water before Vic had me cornered and was sucking on my neck and moving down to my collarbone. I sighed and let him scoop me up and carry me to the bedroom. He managed to half undress me while going up the stairs, leaving my tank top on the bottom stair and my shorts somewhere in the middle.

He set me down on the bed and tore off his own clothes before attacking my body wit his lips again. I moaned every time he kissed a new spot and ran my fingers through his hair. He finally positioned himself on top of me and looked into my eyes.

“I love you so much” he purred before going at me.

I woke up in the morning sore as hell with more than a few hickeys and love bites in some questionable places. Vic had packed our bags for the honeymoon all by himself.

“I swear to god, if all you packed me was-“

“Chill, Cass helped me. She and Ronnie are downst-“

I popped out of bed and ran down to see them in the kitchen eating pancakes. I squealed and wrapped her in my arms.

“Don’t ever leave me again!” I yelled.

“Well I have to, you’re leaving for Hawaii today” she said.

I had my own stack of pancakes before getting dressed. Cass and Ronnie drove us to the airport in Ronnie’s Escalade, I was really excited but then I realized they’d be gone again before we got home because of Warped Tour. This was our last day together for a long time. When we got to the airport, Ronnie actually pulled me to the side.

“I’m so proud of you” he said “I’ve watched you and Vic go from barely knowing each other to husband and wife. I never even imagined that I myself would be married. If I hadn’t gone into Starbucks all those months ago, who knows what would have happened. I’m glad to have you guys in my life”

“Aww Radke, don’t get all sappy on me now” I hugged him “Play nice with the other kids on Warped, okay?”

He nodded and we hugged again. Cass and I were sobbing against each other as the boys tried to pull us apart. Cass almost bit Ronnie and he backed off; we hugged one final time before waving goodbye. Vic and I didn’t have first class tickets on this flight but I still had a window seat. I snuggled up to him and he smiled.

“I love you,” I told him.

“Hasn’t this been established enough?” he laughed, “Kidding, I love you too”

We sat back and enjoyed the flight. We spent two blissful weeks in paradise (yes we did leave the hotel suite a few times) and when we got back home to San Diego, Vic and his boys had to get started on their new album. I called Cass every day to check up on her to ask her what Warped was like from the backstage perspective. So far neither of us had complaints about our new lives and I couldn’t wait until she was home so we could start plotting the rest of our future, both together and with our boys. For now, everything was perfect.


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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2012 ⏰

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