Chapter 3-Kyle's POV [WARNING: Slight Frick Fracking References]

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[WARNING: i suck at things like this. and NO smut, i swear. just... stuff. not cum. WAIT. GAH. nevermind. just read.]

"St-sto... Stan! Oh shit!" 'I' moan out.

"Dude, stop!" I beg. That was the first actual thing I've said to him all day. The rest wasn't me.

"Stop going easy on you? Sure, anything for my super best friend." He grins.

'That's not what I meant!' I try to say.

No avail, of course.

How could he do this to me?!

He should know I went insane!

"O-ooh! hell... yea... OH! THATS GLORIOUS! HARDER STANLEY!"

I stare at the scene, horrified.

Is Stan really raping me?

Technically, no, because I literally cant control myself. And the one who took the joystick to my body wants to fuck Stan until he drops dead.

[xD joystick. i cant.]

The ground opens up beneath me, leaving a small square hole where Stan's cum dirty hand was reaching out for his super slut.

I start falling.

Well, I was before, but now I realize it's endless.

Nothing can save me from this hell.

A hand reaches out of the darkness, a hand I knew too well.

So well, I wish I didn't at all.

I start screaming-- no. Stan, you can't do this to me again. You just can't!

I jolt up and I'm greeted from my desk.

Something lands on me and I start to make an effort to breathe.

I move a little, and see...



I start screaming at the top of my lungs.

He pounces off of me, and starts apologising.

"Dude, I'm-"

Sexy. I know you want a piece of mah steaming aaassssss.

I look at him, his face that seemed completely concerned.

But all I could see was naked. Naked Stan and his dick shoving themselves at me.


I ran out.

I go to the first door I see and slam it behind me.

I slide down the door and calm myself, before the calming myself becomes pissing myself.

If... if Stan's pants ripped, and his boxers werent on... his... male... organ... would have been... in my...

I shiver.

And then, after the whole day hit my mind over again, I started crying.

What the fuck was I even doing?

I was acting so... so...

So gay.

Not even. I'm acting like Shelley on her period.

Stan was my super best friend- only that.

Then, in that awful moment, I realized who I wanted to bitch at.

The Husk Of a Sinner. (Style) [Stan MarshxKyle Broflovski​] {South Park}Where stories live. Discover now