Twenty Three Years

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Fresh snow crunched under the feet of the two boys as they walked through the empty park. The sun was hidden away behind a layer of grey clouds, but the light fluffy snowflakes falling from them made up for the lack of the brilliant star. The trees swayed in an icy wind, which caused the already heavy snowfall to appear stronger due to its angle. Nonetheless, Tyler and Josh continued travelling through the almost foot high snow in the direction opposite of their apartment.

"It's cold," Tyler complained for the millionth time. Despite being wrapped a fluffy winter coat, with warm boots, a hat and gloves on, he still managed to find it freezing. He turned to look at the man beside him, checking to see if he had heard him through the howling wind and beanie covering his ears. The slight roll of Josh's eyes was all he needed to confirm that yes, he had been heard.

"Why'd you want to come here if all you're going to do is complain? I mean, it's the middle of January, and there's snow all over the place; of course it's cold!" Josh said exasperatedly.

Tyler shrugged and said quietly, "the snow looked pretty," assuming Josh probably wouldn't be able to hear him. He seemed to have though, as he shook his head at the younger boy, despite the slight smile playing across his lips.

They continued walking for a while in silence, not even more of Tyler's seemingly unending complaints to break the tranquility. The heavy snowfall had died down by now, and only a few of the pretty flakes fluttered down from the sky. 

After a few more minutes of walking, Tyler spotted a small hill which led down to a little clearing littered with a few trees and rocks, and with a tiny, quaint bridge off to the right. He took off down the hill and hid behind a rock, leaving Josh to stare confusedly at the spot he had been standing mere seconds before. Slowly, the older began making his way through the piles of snow to where Tyler had disappeared, all the while wondering why he had gone down here in the first place.

By the time Josh made it to Tyler's rock, the other boy already had a pile of about eleven snowballs behind him, with another poised in his hand and ready to throw. And so, as he turned the corner to look behind the large stone, Josh was greeted by a face full of snow and a giggling Tyler running off with half his other snowballs to take cover somewhere else.

With one glove clad hand, Josh wiped the snow off his face and looked around to see where the other boy had hidden. After scanning the clearing twice and not seeing him, Josh's attention was caught by a tiny bit of fluff sticking out from behind a wide-trucked tree. Smiling to himself, he picked up the snowballs Tyler had left behind in his rushed escape and loudly walked the other way. Once he had taken a few steps in the direction opposite of Tyler's hiding spot, he heard muffled laughter and the rustling of a coat moving from behind the tree. Without hesitation, Josh whipped around and hit a surprised Tyler right in the face with one of his own snowballs.

With a quiet scream, Tyler ran out from behind his tree and took shelter behind another rock, Josh pelting him with snowballs the entire time. Once safely hidden, he quickly made a small pile of snowballs, which he clutched in his arms in case he had to make a run for it again.

When Josh didn't appear to be coming after him, Tyler cautiously peeked his head over the top of the rock and came face to face with the yellow haired man.

Before either of them could process the situation, Tyler let out a short, high pitched scream and Josh yelled "oh shit!" as they both rushed to take cover again. The two quickly realized their mistake and, almost simultaneously, poked their heads back out from behind their hiding places. Both of them let out another scream as they noticed each other and started rapidly throwing snowball after snowball at the other target. Once all of their ammunition they had had been used up, they both ducked back behind their shields and stated making yet another pile.

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