Chapter 5

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"Go head and eat I know you hungry, cook everybody something too" I told her making sure to slap the ass I knew still hurt to let her know I wasn't playing earlier.


"Okay what?" I asked.

"Okay daddy" she was on her way to the kitchen I watched her walk away. I open the door and these fools were already laughing.

"What's up nigga" Chris said dapping me up.

"Wazzam" I said to Michael dapping him up.

We walked into the living room and sat down we got straight to business. I'm the leader of a drug gang and we are a small circle but some rich Mufuckas the business was passed down from my granddad to my pops down to me. We owned different spots such as 25 clubs in different states shit my dad owned half the heat and he had mad police behind him everybody respect him and they respect me the same. I had to have this hard mask cause of my profession and I showed no nigga mercy nor bitch. My dad stop the drug game and remain getting paid from the whole heat business my mom wanted him out and he promised he would and he did. Michael had a son that was 1 years old by this chick name Chyna she was bad as fuck I ain't gone lie but that was his and off limits. Chris had him a bad bitch name Ocean they had a little girl about 6 months and everybody had somebody and I took Maya also to be my little side thing to have somebody on my arm and because I knew I could get away with it. I'm gone get Maya pregnant soon enough though I been thinking about this getting a girl for myself shit for about a year now but I couldn't find nobody who I could trust so I took me a beautiful one and I like my choice. As the leader I spoke up.

"Alright we gone make sure the girls safe put them in this little penthouse so no shit won't go wrong alright on September 5th we gone leave for the Jet 6am meet me there I'm already gone be on the jet, once we arrive to LA we got 3 drops to make one to this nigga name Justin another to this ESA Chino last this broad name Nicki, on the 7th gone be the big drop Tj and Slim gone escort us to this Puerto rican nigga name Rio he a first timer and I don't trust nobody so we coming loaded all goes well we leave home 2 million dollars richer all goes bad we kill the bitch and leave 10 million dollars richer y'all got it" I said waiting for them to process it all.

"Yeah we got it boss" they both said.

"T-the food is ready" I heard Maya say very low I can tell by the shakiness of her voice she was shy. I got up and stood behind her snaking my arms around her waist.

"Michael, Chris this my girl Maya, Maya this Chris and Michael my niggas" I could feel her tense up a little when I called her my girl I don't know why it was just a title.


I tensed at the words "My girl" because I got a good feeling from being called that and I didn't want to. When he put his arms around me I got comfort in them but I had to get back on my feet and not let my guard down.

"Hey how are you guys" I waved to them kind of nervous I hate meeting new people it was weird for me. They gave me a nod before getting up and we all walked to the kitchen August arms still around me.

"Damn baby it smells good in here it looks good too" August complimented.

"Thank you" I say then felt arms let go and he got him a seat at the island and started eating I just stood there not knowing really what to do.

"So Maya" Michael started.

"Yes" I said nervously I didn't know what he was going to ask and I didn't want to get in trouble with August.

"You August girl and what not how come I ain't never seen you around" he asked sipping on his orange juice.

"Umm-" I was cut off by August.

"Cause I'm hiding her from the world" August laughed and soon Chris and Michael joined in I only gave a small smile.

"Ma' stop acting shy and come her they ain't gone bite" August smiled and motioned me over I walked over and he placed me between his legs. I listen to them talk about everything from basketball, football, sex, old times to family. I found out Chris and Michael both had kids and Chris was engaged to a girl name Ocean and they just had a baby girl. Michael had a son wit a chick name Chyna. I dreamed of the day I would become a mother that's all I ever wanted and give that baby a love I never had and be the mother I never had and always wanted. That's all not happening and I'm never getting married because I'm stuck here with August.

"When y'all gone start making y'all some little Augs" Michael asked I chocked and started coughing shit if August think I'm giving any babies he dead wrong.

"Real soon" August said I looked at him like he was crazy. NIGGA PLEASE!

"Why you looking like that Maya you don't want to have August babies" Chris laughed I didn't think anything was funny.

"No" I said rudely then August tighten his grip he had on my thigh and I know I was going to get it later so I tried clearing it up.

"I'm kidding I would love to have August babies who wouldn't want to have this cute face babies" I said cupping his chin looking in his eyes and kissing him softly he didn't kiss back so I knew he was mad. Damn my mouth!

"I'm sorry" I whispered in his ear I didn't get a response from him he only started back with the conversation Chris and Michael had I sat there just thinking of how bad I was going to get it. After another hour Chris and Michael made there exit and I was sitting in the kitchen making August and I lunch. He popped in the kitchen and scared me I flinched as he walked pass me to sit back in his previous seat at the island he played on his phone I watched him carefully.

"Babe are you mad at me" I asked in a more calm tone trying to call him something that I thought would sooth him. He didn't answer he just stayed glued to his phone that only made me more nervous of what he was going to do. I finished our lunch and passed him his sandwich and Mountain Dew. He bit his sandwich still paying me no mind.

"If you're going to hit me please do it now save me the suspension" I said.

He still said nothing I mean did I hurt his feelings when I said that. I was tired of his awkwardness so I tried to walk past him he pulled me back by my wrist pulling me in front of him he just stared at me.

"August I'm sor-" I was cut of when his lips connected with mine and he didn't kiss me roughly he kissed me soft and gentle with passion I kissed back surprising myself.

"You ain't gone have my babies huh?" He asked after pulling away from the kiss and staring me in the eyes.

"August you kidnap me would you really want to get me pregnant look how I'm living I don't think that's a good idea" I said truthfully but tearing my eyes from his to my feet.

"But what if I want you to" he asked picking my face up by my chin to meet his eyes. I'm surprise he let me call him August.

"I don't know I don't want to bring a child in this world like this" I said truthfully again he only nodded and took me to my room downstairs he left and I started to feel kinda bad maybe I should just give him one I mean I won't be by myself anymore and I always wanted a baby too.

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