Chapter 7

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I woke up still straddling August and laying on his chest damn it I let my guard down again. I tried to rise up but he had a tight hold around my waist and he already was awake.

"What chu tryna to leave me" he laughed.

"No I have to pee" I said a little over a whisper. He let go of me and I lifted up and scooted off the bed made my way towards the front I guess August took us to the back to sleep because I could have sworn we was in the chair when I went to sleep. I shook the thought off and did my business when I got out August was sitting at the table on his phone. I figured he was a drug dealer or something because he always on the phone and one time I could hear him from the basement threatening to kill somebody or their family. He has me smuggling some drugs with him or whateva I'm just trying to get this over with I was going to runaway yeah it crossed my mind I thought I had my chance but first of all that would be dumb because I don't speak their language and I wouldn't know where I'm going. The stuff August told me yesterday about them trafficking women I just erased all that escaping out I mean he beats me sometimes and verbally abuse me but I'll rather have that than experience the things they could do to me.

"Alright look you want a dress or whateva or you gone wear that your call" he pointed to my jeans, white T-shirt and Jordans he brought me.

I thought for a minute do I want to have a dress and at least imagine this is a real wedding and I'm marrying the man of my dreams or just come down to reality and get it over with.

"I would like to wear a dress, you wearing a suit?"

I decided to at least use the one thing he can't take away from me and that's my imagination so I went with my fairytale.

"Alright I'll have somebody come with some dresses and yeah I can't look like a bum for my own wedding honey" he smirked and laughed which made me laugh.

When we got in the car we made it to this beautiful hotel it was like a damn house it had a pool and jacuzzi. Hotel had me like shit I don't want to leave. Like he said it was a women there to help me pick out a wedding dress she had a rack with at least 10 dresses on it. I tried on 6 and I didn't like any so I looked at the end and saw this beautiful dress it of course was white it was strapless but it was dazzled all down the chest area it flowed down and had small cuffs going down that made a beautiful design I smiled when I pictured myself in it.

"Can I try this one on" I asked filling the fabric of the dress it was so soft.

"You sure can sweetie" the woman smiled and took the dress off the hook and took me to the room to try it on.

Once we got it on I ran my hands over it and I felt beautiful it was the first time I ever felt beautiful growing up how I did you didn't get called beautiful, pretty or even cute. She led me back in the front area and I looked in the mirror I stared at myself I can't believe it a tear slipped from my eyes. I use to dream of this moment this moment was suppose to set me free and make me feel free. I use to imagine my mom face and wonder what she looked like hoping I got my looks from her but my dad would argue with her that it was indeed his looks on me like the movies when parents do that. I imagined my mom would magically come out of nowhere and say "baby girl you look beautiful mommy is proud of you". More tears fell because I knew that wasn't going to happen. I heard someone clear their throat as they walked in the room which cut me out of my thoughts.

"Oh shit Maya you look, you look amazing" August said from behind me.

He had on a black tux and was looking pretty handsome himself and I looked at us in the Mirror we looked pretty spiffy together I guess. I can't believe I'm warming up to him this fast I guess I'm making the most out of my situation because I know I'm not being let go anytime soon.

"Man you crying shut that sensitive shit down ain't nobody got time for that" August waved me off. Now he is back to being the ass he really is ugh why the fuck I'm letting my guard down. BITCH STOP!

I got in the shower I left my hair curly not like I could do anything else with it. I got dressed in the beautiful dress again and the heels the lady picked out for me it felt weird wearing heels again but I adjusted. Before you know it August and I are at this place I guess where they marry people kind of like a court house where people get married quick in the states but just in Mexico.

"I do" I said looking August in the eyes.

"I do" August smirked.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife you may now kiss the bride" this old Mexican man with gray and black hair with wrinkles all over his face said to us.

I didn't expect a kiss but August grabbed my face gentle and leaned forward and planted one right on my lips. He started to deepen the kiss he slide his tongue I allowed him and kissed back. I'm not gone lie August was a pretty good kisser shit damn good fucking amazing and his lips was soft.

What the fuck am I saying? I think I need to come down to reality this man kidnapped me! Bitch get it together!!

"Would you newly weds like a wedding photo?" the man asked.

"Yes" I yelled almost eager August looked at me and chuckled then kissed my lips.

He told us to stand where we were at this little post that was decorated like a real wedding and snapped the picture we followed him to his office and got the photos I don't know why but we got 4 copies. When we got to the car I just stared at it.

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