Pilots for Hire

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Being a Rito Warrior meant Revali had to go through merciless training regularly. He had to train not only his body to endure freezing cold temperatures far more extreme than the "stay at home" Rito could handle, but he also had to train his mind. Being a Rito Warrior meant that he would have to spend many lonely days doing nothing but spending his hours at the Flight Range shooting arrows at targets to make sure his perfect aim remained perfect. Being a Rito Warrior meant that he would train like there was a threat to the village and the only one who could stop it was him. Being a Rito Warrior meant he would protect his people for whatever the cost.

Yet despite all these things, Revali was being summoned by his village's elder to return at once. Revali shot a glare at the poor Rito who was sent to inform Revali that Kaneli needed him back. Sure, it wasn't the guy's fault but Revali was going to be mad at him anyway.

"Did the Elder at least explain what he needed me for?" The Rito Warrior asked in a rather annoyed tone as he secured his bow on his back.

"No, but I did see two Hylians with him. One of them was the Princess. Zelda is her name, I believe. The other...I don't know. He looked like some sort of soldier." Revali grunted and muttered a thank you before he extended his wings and flew off into the sky, heading back to the Rito Village. He flew a bit slower than his normal speed, he just wasn't in the mood to be interrupted in the middle of training for some kind of meeting with the Elder and supposedly the Princess of Hyrule. He supposed it was kind of an honor though, whatever it may be.

Revali landed gracefully on the platform and looked over to the Elder's home. He could already see the Princess in her royal blue gown and some other fellow who definitely did look like a solider. Now Revali was really wondering what was going on. He sighed and prepared himself mentally before he began walking to the Elder's room.

"Ah, what wonderful timing!" Kaneli smiled and gestured to Revali as he walked in. "I was just boasting about you my boy! Come! Allow me to introduce you!" Revali nodded stiffly as he silently stood besides Kaneli and faced the two Hylians. "Princess Zelda, meet Revali. A fine Warrior- the best there is!- and the most skilled archer in all of the Rito! His skills are most definitely something you'll need! He can create updrafts of air to boost his flying you know, something no other Rito can do!" Princess Zelda smiled and shook Revali's hand.

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance Revali." Revali smiled politely and knelt down, bowing his head in respect. "As you know I am Princess Zelda. This here is my appointed knight, Link." Link nodded at the Rito warrior. "He's a very gifted fighter and a master with the sword."

"Pleasure to meet the two of you. Now I don't mean to seem rude but may I ask what I was called in for?" Kaneli laughed again and patted Revali's back.

"For a job! A wonderful opportunity for you to show off your amazing skills!" Revali raised an eyebrow questioningly. "These two have come to seek out the bravest, most skillful warriors in all the land! They've asked me handpick one of my finest warriors and I have chosen you." Revali nodded and was about to speak before Zelda spoke again.

"I'm not sure if you know this but my father has tasked the Sheikah tribe to find things on our ancestors regarding the ancient evil that forever torments our kingdom. We have found four mechanical creatures in each corner of our country and we're currently excavating smaller machines. Of the four creatures we found one in the Hebra region. Our scientists have discovered that this one is called Vah Medoh, one of four Divine Beasts." Zelda turned to Link and held out her hand, Link nodded and un-clipped a thin tablet with the Sheikah eye on it and placed it on her hand. Zelda turned the tablet on and showed Revali a picture of the Divine Beast that was displayed on the screen. "Vah Medoh is obviously a bird. With the information we have so far we know that this Beast can actually fly. We need a pilot for Vah Medoh to help us defeat the evil we know is quickly approaching and I was hoping you would accept the position."

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