Quiet Before The Storm

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The cold stung his cheeks but after spending four days out in the Rito Village, Link has learned to live with it. It could've be worse, after all, he could've been facing the wind in whatever weak potion Impa cooked up in a rush instead of wearing the protective Rito clothing a certain Champion had graciously bought him.

"You're doing better, a lot better than before, but you need to get used to the weight of the bow." Revali was scolding Zelda for the fifth time in an hour. "The weight of the bow is affecting your aim, I'm going to need you to really work on that weight training. If you can't properly hold your bow you'll never be able to face Ganon." Hylia, Link wished the training day would end soon. Then he could steal glances at Revali on their walk back to the Rito Village. Then once they all get to the village and the group parts ways...Link could mentally slam his head on a desk for not talking to Revali about the other day's events.

Okay so he hasn't spoken to Revali at all since their feelings were known. Partly because Link was upset that Revali had confessed first and partly because Link didn't think he would ever make it this far. He didn't know what to say then and he still doesn't know what to say now. Their hug had ended prematurely, Zelda's excited babbles began getting closer and closer. Revali hesitantly broke away from Link's embrace and flew off in another direction. Zelda and Impa found the poor hylian boy staring at the distance with a face redder than an apple.

"Well I'm sure once I unlock the ancient magic, the Bow of Light will...act accordingly, right?" Zelda looked hopefully at Impa and continued to talk. "It'll...it...it's own power will...activate and the whole thing will be lighter than it is now. I'm sure that's it, yes, with the power of the Goddess Hylia the Bow of Light will reach it's full potential and it will become lighter?" Impa shrugged, she really didn't know how the bow would react to Zelda unlocking her powers. True, once the power is there the arrows will be infused with it but would it be lighter? Who knew.

"Well if that is or isn't true you can't rely on that." Revali crossed his arms and cocked his head to the side, he looked like he was scolding a child. The image made Link smile but the joy was short lived when he suddenly remembered the lack of communication between the two since their (extremely wonderful) hug and he frowned.

Whatever. It's not like Link even liked the hug anyway. Not like he wanted that single moment to last forever. Not like he wanted it to just be him and Revali alone in Medoh, hundreds of feet in the air where he would finally be able to do all the things he wanted to in the past but couldn't.


Link sighed to himself. He really needed to get a grip.


The day passed much too slowly. When it was time for the walk home, Link felt as if he'd been standing there keeping guard forever, he was glad they were finally returning.  He and Revali took up the rear, like the past few days, while Impa led Zelda's horse down the snowy path back to the village.

His eyes stared straight ahead, right at the path in front of him. As a personal knight he should be on high alert. Waiting for a group of monsters to attack so he can be fully prepared to protect the Princess. His mind should be clear and focused but it wasn't. Instead he was all too aware of the blue-feathered Champion walking besides him. He wanted to say something, Goddess he wanted to say something, but the words jumbled up in his head. Any kind of conversation starter, a simple 'How was training today?' or 'The weather is nice.' got caught in his throat.

"Say something, idiot." The Hylian thought to himself, keeping his stoic expression plastered onto his face. "You can't let this silence go on forever." Link glanced over to Revali, who happened to be looking at him at that very moment. They stared at one another for a moment. Link hesitantly and awkwardly nodded at Revali. At least he acknowledged him.

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