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I feel before you can know someone, you have to know the something that made them the someone first. Before you can know me, you need to understand how the me today came to be. How my experiences, my environment, how everything around me happens. As a young child, I moved around the country very often. I've lived in Pensacola, Tampa, Orlando, Modesto, Santa Rosa; I've even moved countries as I lived in Okinawa, Japan for a year and a half. And currently I live in San Jose. All that moving has put a curse that can never be broken on me. No matter where I go, I don't feel at home. The word "home" isn't a fairly strong word to me as it might me to others. Home for me is a place i spend my nights, and where I eat my meals. Nothing more, nothing less. I don't believe this is a bad thing, but I do wish to know the feeling others feel when they return "home". But then again, not having a home could be a great thing. I feel that once I move out of my parents house, I can make a home somewhere for myself. That maybe I can come home and say the words I've always dreamed of letting out of my mouth: "I'm home." Don't you think that it'd feel good letting that out of your mouth? I do.

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